Essay #2 Research Proposal

Name of publication: The effectiveness of the broken window policing in the community.

Model Essay:

My new research question will be how effective is broken window policing in the community. I didn’t know that there was a broken windows theory at all before until I saw feedback talking about it as a suggestion. The first research question was about defunding the police which was too new of a topic to find a lot of sources on so taking from the suggestion I started researching about broken windows theory. Broken windows theory is basically an idea that if a disorder is seen or begins somehow, the neighborhood will begin to spiral out of control and lead to bigger crimes. Think, the butterfly effect, one small thing can lead to much bigger reactions. Sights of graffiti, drug use, trash everywhere will lead the neighborhood to take on a sign that it is uncared for and unwatched which leads the people living in it to do crimes. I am very interested in this topic because it just seems so interesting to me that there exists this type of theory that makes quite a lot of sense to me and it’s very relevant to social actions as well. The reason for the question of how effective the broken windows theory worked is due to a couple of tests from the articles I found. People questioned its effectiveness when comparing it to other communities that don’t have the broken window policing. At first, it worked like a charm, crime rates dropped significantly from the actions the police took notice of which is the small crimes, littering, graffiti, and such. But then people turned their heads towards other communities without this policing in place, some had the largest arrests on minor crimes and yet they also had such a large drop in violent crime. So, did the broken window theory work as intended and effectively, or was it not necessary in the first place. my audience includes the communities where crime rates are high, the communities that have tons of small crimes, and those that want to learn more about the types of policing.
I had sources that talk about defunding the police but I couldn’t use those anymore.
The first part of my essay will be talking about what the broken window theory is coupled with examples of the experiments for the theory then it will be on how effective the theory is on the community. Next, I’ll write about other communities that have around the same crime rate drop but without the broken window policing and how it is possible or how it had achieved that effect. Finally, I will write about other views on the theory.

Works cited-

“Broken Windows Policing.” The Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP),

Broken Windows Theory.

Lough, Todd. “Community Policing: Broken Windows, Community Building, and Satisfaction with the Police.” CORE, 2007,

Vedantam, Shankar, et al. “How A Theory Of Crime And Policing Was Born, And Went Terribly Wrong.” NPR, NPR, 1 Nov. 2016,

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