Haseeb Chaudhury

Rhetorical Analysis

Posted by Haseeb Chaudhury on

In our society, gender inequality has become a prominent issue. Society has standards on how each gender should behave and act in a specific way. The speech Emma Watson gave to the UK was effective in conveying the issue of gender inequality to the audience. She argues the need to end these gender stereotypes by launching the campaign called “HeForShe” because if we don’t, gender inequality will always exist which will be detrimental towards our society. Emma utilizes an emotional appeal to develop her argument on the issue of gender inequality. She uses her personal life experience to create a sense of emotion that relates to the issue of gender inequality. She states, ”I’ve seen my father’s role as a parent being valued less by society despite my needing his presence as a child as much as my mothers. I’ve seen a young man suffering from mental illness unable to ask for help for fear it would make him less of a man. Watson’s life experience has shown us what we as humans have done to our society. We created these gender stereotypes that have been pernicious to our society. We have made standards of how a male and a female should behave and act in a certain way. For example, we believe it is a women’s job to take care of children more than men, but in Watson’s case, she needed her father’s presence just as her mothers. Furthermore, we as a society believe men are supposed to act strong and asking for help wouldn’t make them more manly. Again in her case, the young man was suffering, but didn’t ask for help due to the gender stereotypes we as a society established. This generates powerful emotions of sorrowfulness because of the constant rejections the man had from society and how he suffered from it.  Emma also states, ”If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we just are.” Watson is addressing a potential solution to our gender inequality problems by asking us to stop focusing on each other, but rather ourselves. We need to ameliorate our society to make it more welcoming and comforting for everyone. Everyone should freely express how they act and behave without us implementing these gender stereotypes onto people. If we can unite and work together to end these gender stereotypes, then we can have a promising future that welcomes everyone to express themselves in whatever way they want.     


Source https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2014/9/emma-watson-gender-equality-is-your-issue-too

Class Introduction

Posted by Haseeb Chaudhury on

Name : Haseeb Chaudhury

Major : Computer Science

Pronouns: He/Him

ENGL 11000

Shamecca Harris


After carefully reviewing the syllabus, I feel very anxious about writing the essays in this course mainly because I am not confident in my writing abilities. However, I feel excited about learning how to ameliorate my writing abilities so that it can benefit me throughout my life. I know that there will be various strategies and tips in this course to help me improve as a writer. 

Good writing is primarily subjective since it varies for individuals, but I strongly believe good writing consists of having deep meaning, containing an emotional impact, and being appreciated in a complex way to the individual. Also, having the ability to fully immerse readers into gravitating towards the writing is another quality. In order for one to become a good writer, they have to have mastered specific skills in literature and apply these skills to use. Writing is prominent because it allows the ability to express oneself in an imaginative way. Furthermore, writing is a powerful tool that can change one’s perspective about themselves internally and externally. Writing well helps one’s ideas to flow eloquently which helps for an individual to be expressive of themselves.

My strength in writing is that I can express myself in topics I have knowledge about and that people can have a general idea of what I am trying to convey. However, the hardest part is trying to make my writing more in depth and detailed since my writing can sometimes be too vague. Also, I struggle with the repetition of the same ideas. I often do not realize when I repeat certain ideas and my writing ends up sounding redundant. 

In the field of computer science, people are expected to write documents, comments, emails, design, and planning. Being an effective writer can benefit me in this field because it can allow me to effectively organize my ideas into a presentable form which can help explain my ideas and justify my code. Also, it will help me with my public speaking in communicating with my peers and explaining my documentation thoroughly.






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