ESSAY #1 Source List
Open-Web Source
The article “New Laws Deepen State Differences Over Abortion” talks about the new laws that have garnered media attention and that has had a “salutary” effect by educating the public, which explained a lot about the opposing opinions evidenced by fake news by society. That article specifies the differences and arguments of states that have restrictive abortion laws and those that they don’t. For instance, New York, Rhode Island, Illinois, etc, have intended to defend women’s rights with law. On the county, Georgia, North Decoda, Mississippi, Missouri, etc, have permitted their political and religious beliefs into deciding for women’s rights. However, Vestal points out the political polarization and division within those states, that Democratic-led states are in favor of women’s rights, and Republic-led states are not.
Magazine Source
In the article, Abortion in America” by Anna North, explains the 10 common facts about abortion in America. The article contains useful, factual information such as the percentage of women that will have an abortion by 45, which is 23.7%. North explains that there was a decline in abortion rates over the decade, and most women who obtain abortion already have kids. The article informs about four states that have restricted abortion rights to women, such as Alabama, Missouri, North Dakota, and Kentucky. However, Roe V. Wade has played an important role in such cause because most of the passed bills are aimed at such landmark.
The magazine article “ Supreme Court Justices Voice Clashing Views as They Weigh Louisiana Abortion Law” by Jess Bravin and Brent Kendall, talk about the recent restrictive abortion laws in Louisiana and the struggles that women of that state are facing such as leaving the state with one clinic because they want “to bring abortion regulations in line”. However, Justice Alito claimed that the clinics hold a conflict of interest with women seeking an abortion. After days of arguing, the prosecutor wanted to admit the closure of the two out of three abortion clinics. However, there was a 30 miles radius to access abortion clinics and it is the first step to United States moving forward, as women now have better community health care toward abortion.
Peer-reviewed Source
This peer-reviewed text talks about systemic and socio-cultural barriers that women of Georgia face limiting access to abortion services. The text consolidates abortion stigma that causes stress to women because of fear of judgment, isolation, and decision. The article suggests that religion has also played an important role in the state’s restrictive laws and the lack of resources in most of the Southern states of the United States. However, the text provides a lot of case studies about abortion rates and in-depth interviews of different resources and reasons such as religion, legislative system, and a mix of “sociodemographic characteristics”
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