For this essay, I have chosen to go a little bit far to learn more about social issues currently happening and affecting us, and I, for some reason, did not know a lot or anything about it. Here are two social topics I would like to write for my second essay.
1. To what extent does national security interfere with the personal liberties of the citizens?
Social media has always been a widespread alternative for young adults and teenagers to get in touch with relatives and people worldwide. However, recently there has been one that has taken over the world. TikTok has reached to top in the list of popularities, with more than 2 billion downloads. In the last few months, the world’s largest markets have begun to ban the app for stealing and surreptitiously transmits unauthorized data to third parties. India banned the use of TikTok in June of 2020, while the US still face the hard choice to banned or not, the truth is that people still allegate that these allegations are not 100% truth. Therefore it should not be banned just because of incorrect and weak allegations.
Are girls married before the age of 18 more likely to suffer domestic violence?
Coming from a third world country full of stigmas makes me think a lot about social issues. A social issue that has been placed as one of the most controversial ones in all the tabloids is the child marriage of girls under 16 years old. This issue has the target of multiples comments worldwide, most of them blaming the parents or blaming the lack of education these poor girls received in their lives. In contrast, others refuse to see the other side of the coin, they preferred to ignore the poverty, misery, and suffering these poor girls lived. Countries with the highest percentage of child marriage are usually the ones with the highest percentage of domestic violence, being at the same time considered as the “third world countries” because of their outdated ideas and stigmas.