Essay #3 Reflection


This assignment was interesting to say the least. It was very different from writing a traditional essay but that is what made this assignment more fun. A traditional essay comes off as tedious but this composition in two genres felt like a breath of fresh air. However I have never been on the creative front of things so it was also quite challenging to try to think outside of my usual box. For my genres I chose a political cartoon and a poster. I chose those genres because they were out of my comfort zone and I wanted to make my best attempt to express myself in a way I often do not do. My intended audience had no effect on my choice because I felt no matter the medium I could figure out a way to reach my intended audience.  I used pathos and logos as my rhetorical strategies to best convey my message to my audience, which was the United States Government. I used pathos in my political cartoon to show the confusing emotional struggle that can take place in America with the reverberations of the government’s actions and policies. I showed this in the fact that the family living in the mushroom is split on whether to trust the government or not. On the one hand the government is there to make sure things work and run smoothly in the world so they should be trusted. But on the other hand many of their decisions have resulted in sometimes tragedy. I used logos when I made my poster. I did this by showing that many of the hot topics in current events such as climate change, blm, women’s rights are only strengthened by research and are idea built on the backs of academic research while the government’s war with Afghanistan, the opioid crisis, and the war on drugs were built on the backs of political games. 

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Jaden Fabro
    I agree that this assignment really did feel like a breath of fresh air compared to the other essays that we had to write. It also lets us be more creative which I believe is always a good thing. I do think though that your genres were influenced, even if subconsciously, by your target audience. Since you have a political topic, it seems very instinctive of you to choose a political cartoon as your genre.
  2. Christine Castillo
    Andrey your compositions sound so fascinating, I especially like the concept of the cartoon with the conflicted family living inside of a mushroom. So clever! I’m glad I was not alone in having to adapt to this type of assignment, but based on your reflection it sounds like you figured it out very well.

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