Introductory Essay
English 110: Freshman Composition 5BC2 [24980]
Instructor: Shamecca Harris
Ayesha Abdul-Fattaah
Preferred pronouns: She/her
Intended Major: Childhood Education
After reviewing the syllabus, I am looking forward to strengthening my essay writing. One thing I am nervous about is balancing the work from this course, along with my other courses.
When evaluating the quality of one’s writing, I notice if the writer got their point across using the least amount of words and repetition of words possible. I also pay attention to the flow of the writing and if the placement of ideas makes sense. If a piece of writing presents a new perspective that makes me think, I also consider that to be a good quality. In order to be a good writer, one has to be able to present ideas clearly and concisely. The ability to write well is necessary, as it allows one to portray abstract ideas to others concretely and in a way that makes sense. Being able to write well manifests understanding, critical thinking, and communication, which are fundamental to our roles here on Earth as human beings.
I believe I am good at brainstorming and researching a topic. Further, I am good at editing my writing. I need to work on giving myself enough time to properly write, as I often cram. While cramming, I find myself wanting to add more or coming up with new ideas, only to realize that I do not have the time to execute those ideas. I also have trouble asking for help when I need it. If I work on my time management and start to advocate for myself, that will be a step in the right direction.
As a teacher, I will need to know how to present written instructions so that my students comprehend them. I will also need to be able to manually communicate with parents or guardians of my students, as well as with colleagues and bosses. Writing is crucial in our education system and I want to educate my students optimally. If I did not write well, I would not be able to teach my students to write well.