Essay #3 Genre Purposal
So, for my 3rd essay I want to continue with the topic of marine pollution and pollution in general. I think that people need to start doing things about it. I feel like we could be doing so much more to help our planet instead of worrying about each other and our own pockets. We are all one people but live as if divided. I want to explore this topic more and try to motivate people to do more about it. I am planning on using two visual genres most likely a poster and a political cartoon. I might try to make my own depending on if I find on that I believe is on the level necessary to bring the point across. I think I will draw one myself though to really hit the reader in the head and make them see how bad it is. I will be focusing on the marine environment; however, the concept of pollution will be broader. I am thinking about maybe making a small cartoon showing a few ocean animals and their reaction to the pollution. The target audience will be the people, just people who are able to vote and act to solve these issues. I would focus on the politians and people in power as my targeted audience, however I dont think they are capable of looking past each other and their pockets. These are just ideas as of right now but that sums it up as of right now.