Aditya Sankar Das

Topic:- “Full Power of Women” by Priyanka Chopra – Pair with Emma Watson’s speech on the Power of Women

Posted by Aditya Sankar Das on


Priyanka Chopra is a woman who works for Unicef to establish women’s rights. She had a great experience of how women treated in India and other developed countries. In this video, she provided global statistics that show us that 15 million women never learn how to read and write.  

Rhetorical Situation/ Exigence:-

The video was based on recent events in developed countries that are unable to provide equality between men and women. Numerous countries give more priority to men than women. Eventually, women are deprived of their basic right to education. So many social workers were worried about child marriage, displacement, sexual violence.  If it continues, women will be deprived of their basic rights.  


The video attracts an audience of the public who are interested in revolutionary change, reproductive rights, and women’s rights. Prianka states that she was born in a family that believes equality, and she gets equal opportunities like her brother. Therefore, she gave her speech specifically for those people who are interested in making changes in women’s life. Also, the title of the video introduces us to the power of women who are just treated as a burden of their parents.


The purpose of this video is to influence the UNICEF workers who are helping to work for women’s rights so that women can equally get the same opportunity as men. She mentions that ” Education is a basic right of women and the reason why parents don’t send their girls to school is that eventually she will get married and it’s full of waste of money.” It is significant because parents thought it’s a waste of money to spend money on women’s education. By this speech, she wants to influence Unicef to be a voice for the voiceless.


This video is a speech since Prianka shares her idea with the audience. She shares her own point of view and her experience as she uses pronounces such as “I”, “Our”. “I [emphasis added] feel that this is our [emphases added] responsibility to be a voice for the voiceless”. 


Prianka is a social worker who is working with Unicef for children around the world especially victims and survivors of child marriage, displacement war, sexual violence. At the end of the video, she mentioned that ” I am so committed to this cause, and that is where my passion stems from because I know that the girls’ education empowers community and economies.” By saying this, she wants women to get their education so that girls can achieve their rights in society. Women have to fight for their rights, gain their education, and empower our community.

Writing Resistant- Fall 2020

Posted by Aditya Sankar Das on

Hello, My name is Aditya Das. I am a freshman. My intended major is Biology. My preferred gender pronouns are he/his. Here I am attaching my picture:-

After reviewing the syllabus, I am excited about learning new vocabulary. Also, I am passionate about improving my writing skills and formats. There are so many new things to learn about Freshman composition such as tone, rhetorical question, mood, etc. How I positively present my opinion. Regarding this semester, due to the COVID situation, we all need to learn from online, and that makes me feel nervous. Sometimes I face difficulties writing a clear thesis statement. There are so many traits for good writing. First of all, ideas make up the content of the piece of writing. A well-organized piece of writing is not only clear, it’s presented in a way that is logical and aesthetically pleasing. I heard that there are so many traits for good writing. First of all, ideas make up the content of the piece of writing. A well-organized piece of writing is not only clear, it’s presented in a way that is logical and aesthetically pleasing. Finally, word choice can help to improve our message that helps the reader to better understand our reflection. To become a good writer, we must practice more and more; because practice makes us perfect. Furthermore, we all need to read a lot and write a lot then compare it with others. The most important thing to write well is a better imagination. Then translate your thoughts into words. So, when the readers read, they can also imagine your thoughts. The easiest part of my writing is an argumentative essay. I am good at it because it is easy to collect evidence and explain it so that it can support your claim. The hardest part is to find the tone and figurative languages. Sometimes I struggle with vocabulary words. I find it difficult to connect my thoughts with the main idea. I need to work with vocabulary words and learn somehow to connect my ideas with the main theme. In my major or career field, I will be expected to write in science friction. Being an effective writer will help me to become an essential member of my workplace. Also, it will help me to send professional emails to my colleagues and write about my research papers. 

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