Ayesha Abdul-Fattaah Essay# 3 potential genres proposal

I again want to focus on homelessness for this assignment. I will continue to focus on the issue of homelessness in New York City. When looking at the sample assignments, I became inspired because I have seen many political cartoons, social media memes, and ads regarding my topic. But, once I read that I had to create my own visual aids, I was worried if my own version of images like this would be too similar to some that already exist. However, I want my two genres to be a poster and a political cartoon. I feel that, when not too hard to interpret or analyze, political cartoons and posters are very effective in getting a message across to an audience. Despite this, I was also thinking about using advertisements, as I have seen advertisements speaking on the topic of homelessness. Or maybe even commercials. But, I am not sure how to make my own commercial. I want to communicate how important this issue is to my audience. Because it is such a normalized injustice, as we are often exposed to homeless people, I feel that our society just accepts how things are. Maybe I can communicate how, just like that, you could be homeless as well. People get so comfortable in the positions they are in regarding money or housing, the possibility of any of us becoming homeless seems so out of reach. Nonetheless, things happen, people who are not homeless end up becoming homeless. For example, my coworker’s building caught on fire when she was younger. She lost everything and had to live in a church. Maybe I will include how one can be a solution to this issue. I know when we come together as a community to help someone, a lot can be done. For example, many gofundme pages go around detailing someone in a vulnerable situation, in need of money. Maybe people can become encouraged to pool money among a lot of people to donate towards organizations that aid and support our homeless population. I want my target audience to be citizens of the United States. I want to encourage my audience to think critically about their place in this world, how they can help uplift our homeless population, how privileged we really are.

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Fahmida Akter
    I really like your topic and love where you are going with it. I was also really devastated when I read we have to create our own poster or any image because it will take a lot of time and effort to create something effective. However, I think it is great for us to dive into something different and see the change we can bring in our writing.
  2. Aditya Sankar Das
    Hi Aysha, you said you stick with the same topic that you choose for essay#2. I think this is a great decision because you already know about this topic and I am glad that you already have a plan for what visual genre you will use for your essay. Also, I agree with Fahmida. I am confused that you wrote we have to make our own poster and I think some of us don't know how to use photoshop to create these images. But I will ask the professor and make sure we are all on the same page. However, good luck with your plan.
  3. Emily Sanchez
    I think it's great that you've come up with a few ideas on how you want to approach this essay. Using citizens of the U.S. as your intended audience is brilliant because change really only happens when you speak to the people. It's a good idea that you want to address how anyone can become victim to homelessness because it might be easier for people to understand when they're placed in their shoes. Good Luck on your creating your poster, cartoon, or advertisement!

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