Class Introduction

Hello my name is Alexa Morales (she/her) , and intended to major in Psychology. 

 In this course, I am the most excited for the group discussions and the texts I’ll be reading to gather my thoughts correctly. I am also really excited to listen to these lectures because I’ve never gathered evidence this way throughout my whole life. I’m the most interested in using different forms of technologies and writing my pieces for an audience. However, I am a bit nervous for all of the essays. Although I understand that the planning of them is all spaced out, I feel scared that I will become overwhelmed with all of the writing. Especially because I am not used to writing essays in multiple pages.


The qualities of good writing has to deal with well articulated thoughts, little to no writing mistakes, evidence and smooth transitions. This has been repeated to me all throughout my years in school. I’ve always tried my best with making my writing this way. It’s extremely important to be able to write well so that you are able to get your point across. No one would be willing to read your work if it is all over place. I would say that the easiest part of writing for me is gathering the texts that I will be citing in my work. I do really well with finding informational texts that will help guide me with my thinking. However the hardest part of the writing process for me would have to be being able to sit down and actually construct the essay. Sometimes I have trouble focusing, especially trying to write an essay that includes more than one page. But I’m sure that I will be able to work on this with getting help from others such as the help I could get from the writing center. I also believe that throughout the course I will improve with my writing because each assignment will be my way of pushing myself to do better. 


I am not sure what writings will come from me from my intended study in Psychology, the only thing that comes to my mind is the moment I would have to write a synopsis on one of my clients. As well as writing brief notes on their concerns, and my ability to interpret it into a solution for my client. Being an effective writer can affect my career because I need to be able to properly write about my client and use each session as an opportunity to help my client with my interpretation of their concerns. My analysis of their problems can be the form of advice that they will need. I believe that I will be able to perfect these skills in this course.

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