Newspaper Article


Numerous states don’t have a law that bans ethnic or racial profiling, and in addition to that, they doesn’t require for certain states to collect data once they decide to stop a random individual and conduct a search. Minorities live in fear of officers, and those who don’t, simply don’t trust or respect them. This article goes into further depth about how police officers should be trained more before being allowed on the field, as well as, the need to push for banning ethnic and racial profiling and everything that is involved with that concept. This includes any type of loopholes that could be used to refrain from detailing officers who have been accused of profiling a civilian without proper cause. 


Magazine Article


Many police departments have attempted to solve or put an end to ethnic and racial profiling and yet it still remains a common issue. A former captain, stated that more African Americans filled up jail cells more than whites which proved that racial profiling was succesful, however, when put into question, more African Americans and Latinos were stopped than whites and yet more whites were arrested than African Americans and Latinos. Although they were proven wrong, racial profiling only continued to grow. Suddenly, even people with Arab descent were being profiled due to the terrorist attacks that were occuring. With that, soon grew profiling with hispanics and latinos in relation to immigration. This article addresses how racial profiling has devleoped over time.


Scholarly Source


This scholarly article connects ethnic and racial profiling and sociaology. By increasing the racial and ethnic profiling you increase the chance of offending. By offending they mean, it will increase the chance of an illegal act to be committed or for a problem to arise. This includes the idea that due to situations that have presented African Americans and Latinos in relation to officers, parents have grown up to teach their children to be aware of racial discrimination and to never trust an officer. Situations that have arisen from ethnic and racial profiling have led to the creation of Racial and Ethnic Socialization.

Open Web Source


This post has a thread that presents situations in which people have been racially profiled in airports. A girl traveling with her friends is singled out as a group while everyone else is left alone, they had given the girl and her friends unnecessary attitudes. Another individual is traveling with her friends and she is pulled aside to be asked questions when there has been no proof of her carrying anything illegal, and yet her friend who had a sharp object was just politely asked to turn it in. As the thread continues, it presents numerous situations in which people were very clearly being racially profiled in airports.




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