To start off I feel as though this essay was much difficult than the first. I don’t really know what made it so difficult. Maybe it was the extensive amount of research or trying to organize all of my thoughts. When choosing my topic of interest, I was so confident I would be able to write so much information on my topic. I knew that because of my prior knowledge on the subject it would be fairly easy to come up with information. However, this was not the case.

Throughout my writing process, it was very difficult for me to find useful information that would relate directly to my question. I found a lot of information or I knew a lot of information but I was very doubtful of my ability to relate those facts to my topic. Because my main question was more specific it became harder for me to try not to stray from the issue. I believe at some points during my writing, my passion for the subject got in the way of the facts and statistical research which was needed in order to complete my paper. When writing I tried to believe I was writing for those who supported the movement and wanted to have more information on how it impacted America. I feel like my intended audience also hindered my writing because it included my personal opinion on the matter. I know I usually have trouble with trying to steer clear from opinions so that is something I know I need to work on.

Overall, I think, despite the essay being challenging, it was very eye-opening on what changes need to be made for my writing to improve. I think it is very important for me to work on timing and organizing when writing. And next time I might stay away from topics I am already aware of so I can learn more and also have a fresh mind that is not full of predetermined opinions.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Ayesha Abdul-Fattaah
    Hey Faith, I am sorry to hear the process was so difficult for you. However, I think I was in your peer review group and I remember your rough draft being soooo amazing. I am sure your final draft was just as amazing, probably even more. I hope the future assignments will be easier for you. Maybe changing your research question a little bit might have helped? I think we were allowed to do that, but I am not sure. I can definitely relate to passion getting in the way of logistics. It is a good thing to be so passionate about certain topics, especially when it comes to Black Lives in my opinion. I agree that choosing topics you can learn about is helpful, but it also means you have to do that much more research, since you have to teach/inform yourself to a high degree in order to adequately inform your audience. I am happy to know that you at least learned about what you need to improve regarding your writing process. I also need to get better at organizing my time when it comes to composing essays. It is merely the beginning and you are off to a great start. Thank you for sharing! - Ayesha

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