Essay #3 Genre Proposal

The topic of my research essay was how to improve the quality of American education. My purpose was to present potential solutions in improving American education with the help of many sources. The main audience for my essay was educators since they are mainly in charge of ensuring the education of students. They need to understand possible solutions in improving the quality of American education so the students can be nurtured well and not fall victim to the flaws of the system such as being pressured to perform well due to certain expectations. For this assignment, I plan on using visual genres to convey my message about how the American education system is flawed. I think visuals are good for audiences like educators because it shows them a bigger picture of what the issue is and gives them a general idea on how to solve certain issues. I can use a poster to convey my message about the problems within American education. For now, I thought about making bullet points on the flaws of it as well as including some sort of picture that demonstrates those flaws. My next visual genre is leaning towards a meme in which it would be a mockery towards American education which can bring the educator’s attention since the issue can be serious. I have a general idea of what to include in my meme in which it would show how the American education is lacking behind other countries by including the difference between them like the concept of standardized tests, homework, and teacher pay.

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Faith Morales
    First, I really like your topic. I think I've commented on it before but I had to say it again. I think you are well prepared for your essay. You know what you want and it seems like you're on the right track. Keep it up!
  2. Edward Quezada
    Aa you stated, our topics are very similar! I also chose visual genres for my topic because it definitely helps convey a message to the audience in a much quicker way than a lengthy essay would. Best of luck creating your meme and poster!
  3. Andrew Mark Salmieri
    The visual genre will definitely make your topic more accessible to people. I think memes are a great way of conveying a sentiments and ideas. I'm excited to see your final product.

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