Essay #3 Potential Genres Proposal
For this assignment, I would like to continue my focus on divorce and its effects on children in the United States. I’m leaning towards using a poster or a subway ad, and a meme. I think that using a poster would be able to relay the most information because it allows me to use the most text. I’d be able to write short paragraphs as well as use an image to convey the important facts that I want to share. Similarly, a subway ad also gives me a good amount of space to write more. Also, a large amount of people ride the subway everyday, and when they are on a train, they are likely to read the ads posted around them. This ensures that the ad I am creating will reach a large number of people. The internet is another place where a visual representation of my project can potentially reach thousands of people. Usually what goes viral on the interwebs, especially on social media such as Instagram and Twitter are memes. They’re quick to read and easy to digest, and even easier to share. I believe all of these mediums will serve my initial research paper well because they each reach a large audience. The subway ad could be geared more towards parents, since they will most likely be the ones taking the subway, and therefore the ones that will most likely see the subway ads. Meanwhile, the meme is geared more towards the children, since teenagers as young as thirteen tend to already have social media. Through the meme, they would be able to easily understand how their parents may or may not be treating them correctly in a more humorous tone. If they can relate to it, they will also easily be able to share it.
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