My inquiry-based research essay was written in regards to the topic of Psychedelic legalization and effects they have. I think for this type of paper I want to focus my audience primarily on the US government by using the genreās of a poster and a political cartoon. I think focusing my audience towards the US government will allow me to make the attempt to raise the case for Psychedelic medical legalization. I think this is an important issue because of present and previous research and I believe the best way to represent this issue towards the US government would be through the mediums of a political cartoon and a poster. Political cartoons have been used since the dawn of the American government to critique the actions it takes and is so easily recognizable and understandable that it can be shared with almost anyone. I think for these reasons a political cartoon would represent the topic of medical psychedelics amicably. I think a poster does similar things a political cartoon does. However I believe, where a poster is stronger than a political cartoon is in its share-ability. A political cartoon is already quite spreadable to the masses but a poster is stripped down even further and that is why they can be seen in various public places while political cartoons generally have their home in newspapers and magazines. With these two mediums I believe our audience, that being the US government, will be able to quickly and easily understand my position and my motive and very quickly at that. This is certainly not the most effective way of conveying information. For that I believe an essay or even a film would be a better medium. However the mediums I have chosen are the best for quick and impactful understanding which I feel is necessary in the busy lives of politicians and other various representatives of our democracy.
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