Essay #3 Reflection

With a traditional essay, I conducted an immense amount of research to help supply the information that helped develop the essay.  As for composing the Composition in Two Genres, I applied the information already gathered to create the visual pieces that were to be used in the composition. This essay allowed me to be expand my creativity on the issue I was trying to present. It helped me get the message across to different groups of people and display the purpose with a new perspective. Unlike a traditional essay, I was able to provide rhetoric strategies within my visual genres to illustrate the issue being addressed.

The genres I chose include a political cartoon and a subway advertisement. For the political cartoon, I wanted to draw attention to the people in power. On the cartoon was a door, on one side of the door is a happy family discussing matters with a social worker, on the other side is two dark figures holding a cigarette and a belt while the kid hid in a corner crying. The purpose of this is to demonstrate the matters that go overlooked within a foster home, to target social workers, the Department of Child Protective Services, or Human Services and make them take notice on these matters. As for the advertisement, there are two images, one image shows a girl crying followed by a girl opening up to someone, the second image demonstrates a vulnerable boy followed by a group of boys with a happy family. The purpose of this is to express the changes that can be made in regards to abuse. The girl crying has been a victim to abuse and because she never spoke up, another boy was left vulnerable to that abuse. Meanwhile, the girl who opened up to an individual about the abuse she endured saved other kids and allowed them to end up in happy homes. The advertisement also includes statistics on the amount of abuse that occurs in foster homes followed by quotes encouraging people to make a change and speak up. This advertisement was made in hopes to reach previous foster kids that have been physically or sexually victimized and encourage them to speak up and make a change.

In these genres, logos and ethos was used to help develop the ideas presented. The statistics appeal to the audience’s sense of logic. While the images and drawings of kids crying, or kids being scared, appeals to the audience’s sense of emotion.

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Elena Yu Xu
    I like how you explained in detail about the use of your genres and how they are represented to engage your audiences in your topic. After that, I also agree with the difference we have in composition in two genres and the traditional essay, which each one of them has their own methods when we are writing them. One is to gather research while the other one is to apply our creativity in order to supply knowledge to them. After all, the genres you provided to your audiences were really interesting and engaging by applying logos and ethos in there.
  2. Aditya Sankar Das
    Hi Emily, I loved the way you explained the difference between a traditional essay and composition in two genres. Your explanation is so clear and details. You explained why you choose this genre and the purpose of using this genre. After that, I liked what rhetorical strategy you used to grab your audience's attention. I hope your final essay looks great and best of luck.
  3. Alice Liu
    Emily, I think the way you described how you made your visual genres based on its description and what you hoped to convey in it is really good! I think it would grasp your audience's attention with no problem. I think that the genres you chose were also strategically chosen well. By using a political cartoon and an advertisement, it can be easily accessible to the public. Job well done!

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