Essay #3 Reflection

So, my process from getting from my original audience strategy to the final composition was relatively simple. My original strategy was to try to appeal to the target audience of the next generation. People under 30 that would be the new doctors, politicians, etc. The reason for this is so that we can take charge over the past generation and start changing things for the better that our ancestors left for us to solve. Issues such as pollution. This did not change from the original strategy. My targeted audience remained the same. Following the strategy however I had trouble finding a political cartoon and poster that coincided with each other in a specific way, using the topic of Marine Pollution to lead into World Pollution. After which I decided that if the political cartoon and poster reach the audience in the way I want, then world pollution will be a part of that as well. So, I found a political cartoon that was more general covering both fields. Following this I decided that using a meme or a small comic may work as a better visual que instead of a poster to inspire people to act. In our time posters are not as motivational as they used to be.
A meme seemed like the best way to approach the younger generation, so I found one that expressed my ideas and used that as well. So, in comparison to my original audience strategy, it did not change a whole lot. Either than the fact that I decided to use a meme instead of a poster to better appeal to my audience and changed the format in which I wanted to present it. Regarding rhetorical choices, everything just flowed honestly. For the rhetorical situation I wanted to express the ideas of future generations having to deal with the problem we started. Which I think turned out rather well. The genre stayed the same since I think people need to see or touch to believe, meaning visual genres would work better. Stance did not change; my stance is the same as it was before. In comparison to writing the Research Essay this was quite different. It had to be more focused on the rhetorical practice of pathos, which I realized I use a lot to attempt to prove or convey my ideas. I could not use factual evidence like in the research-based, so I focused on visual ques to do it. However, I did realize that I honestly still need a lot of work for my Rhetorical Analytics, I feel like I have issues properly expressing as to why something was written or created. I tend to over generalize sometimes as a result it ends up missing certain important elements. I think I did okay for this Essay, but either way I need a lot more work and I am planning on writing a lot more which will add on to my idea for the theory of writing.

Comments ( 5 )

  1. Miranda McCants
    Good Job! I felt when you mentioned how you couldn't really add factual evidence in your writing, I also felt this way. However I found it easier to go off from a visual representation and just add on what I saw and how it connected to my topic. I also felt that this wasn't my best essay due to the fact that it was short and simple. Best of wishes!
  2. Alexa Morales
    Hi Marat, I like the topic that you chose for your essay and you chose great genres to represent your topic too. I feel like this easy was easier to write because we didn't need to do research, we were able to build off of the information already included in our previous essays so I understand how you felt with this assignment.
  3. Chao Hong
    We had very similar intended audiences for our genres. I also believe that by targeting the younger generation you are influencing people who might have positions of power in the future that is able to bring change socially in our society.
  4. Andrew Mark Salmieri
    I also targeted young people in my work. They are the future and will hold the reigns of power down the line. Also, they are a highly influential group and command the cultural scene of our country.
  5. Emily Sanchez
    The ideas you implemented regarding targeting a younger audience and appealing to them through memes is great, especially because it would reach this generation more. I think you chose your audience very wisely in relation to the social issue you're trying to address. I can definitely relate to over generalizing and not being able to discuss every key component. Good job on your essay!

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