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4 Articles

Essay #1 Source List: Abortion

Posted by Alice Liu on

#1: Open Web Source


This article discusses the difficulties of receiving an abortion during the Covid-19 pandemic since abortion is not considered essential health care. Due to this, 5 states have already banned abortion during this pandemic, making another obstacle for women to get an abortion. Furthermore, when a woman is planning to abort, it requires several visits to the doctor and these multiple visits mean multiple exposures to the outside world, causing the increase in contracting the Coronavirus. Moreover, due to the pandemic, many people around the world were laid off from their jobs, making it more difficult for those from a low socio-economic background to afford an abortion.

#2: Magazine Article


In this magazine article, it begins with the history of abortion in India. Before 1971, abortion was illegal in India. It wasn’t until other countries made abortion legal, causing India to reexamine the topic of abortion and how there are several deaths caused by unsafe abortions. As a result, India passed the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTP), and it made abortion legal in the country. Although it is legal, there are several restrictions such as, no access to safe and nonjudgmental abortion services, the need to find a doctor who has certified training specifically for abortion, and the need to have a doctor’s opinion to certify the reason for abortion, when the MTP clearly states that woman has the right to consent to an abortion. These limitations result in women turning to unsafe abortions that cause several deaths. Although abortion is legal, it is difficult to access.

#3: Newspaper Article


In this magazine article, it starts off with a woman of a low socio-economic and uneducated background coming into an emergency room due to complications of unsafe abortion treatment. She passed away. Her family members viewed her as a shame in the family. Although abortion in Nepal is legal, there are still restrictions to allow women to receive an abortion and the mortality rate has not decreased. Poor woman still has no access to safe abortion and is what makes up most of the mortality rate in Nepal. The author introduces the idea from the WHO that the risk of death by abortion in a woman can be decreased if people were educated on sex, access to effective contraceptives, and safe care.

#4: Scholarly Source


This article discusses how, before Roe v. Wade, abortion was only accessible to a woman who had wealth and connections to a doctor. Abortion was frowned upon—both in society and religiously. Therefore, abortion operations were done discreetly. Furthermore, obtaining contraceptives was illegal, until the Griswold v. Connecticut case, which sparked the idea of the use of contraceptives can be extended to a woman’s right to choose for an abortion. Then the Roe v. Wade case helped women gain their right to abort. In NYC, abortion clinics opened and charge women for a fair price, unlike other clinics, causing thousands of women to travel to NYC. More woman finally has access to abortion clinics. However, there are dangers to doctors who perform abortions, as they can be a target of those who don’t agree with their actions. The author urges people to not solely focus on the law but to allow woman to have legal protection.


Essay #1 Source list

Posted by Alexa Morales on
  1. Latin Power Tracker: David Hayes-Bautista teams with California Lutheran University to tell an economic success story 

 This article from the San Fernando Valley Business Journal talks about a founder of the Latino Gross Domestic Product ProjectDavid Hayes Bautista spoke about Latino Businesses and how they’ve grown more than non-Latino businesses over the years. He briefly talks about the immigrant families and their first-generation children graduating and going to school. Because their children are entering higher levels of the “human capital”, that makes them highly educated. The immigrant children will grow up and become consumers of other Latino businesses, or maybe manage their own business. Bautista explains how these businesses thrive as well. Although the article is short, it has statistics that I can use in my research.  

  • http://ccny-proxy1.libr.ccny.cuny.edu/login?url=https://bi-gale-com.ccny-proxy1.libr.ccny.cuny.edu/global/article/GALE%7CA578046244?u=cuny_ccny 

2. Somali’s in the Twin Cities and Colombus  

 This excerpt written by Stefanie Chambers talks about the story of a Somalian family. The example of their life in America. Briefly talking about the state of Minneapolis and how some opportunities are opened for them in this state. For example, one line says “even some Republican candidates have made direct appeals for the Somali vote. Moreover, the ward-based electoral system has opened doors for Somali elected officials”. In the chapter Chambers also includes a city in Minneapolis called the “Twin Cities”. The Twin Cities is a Somali Refugee population that started off with people arriving in Colombus from the early to mid 1990’s.  

  • https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1wf4dnx.5 

3.Towards a population policy: Myths and Misconceptions concerning the Demographic Effects of Immigration 

 This journal article by Christabel Young summarizes some misconceptions that are related to immigration. It focuses specifically on the migration that occurs in Australia but can still be related to what happens in the USA. It mentions many misconceptions such as populations shrinking, making said population younger, and how the migrants contribute to the labor force. Young goes on to state these myths and debunk them with facts and statistics, proving other wrong. Proving that migration is not useless. It seems that the issue with a growing population is the most talked about over there, and this journal article investigates that issue. 

4.Immigration & Language Diversity in the United States 

 This journal article goes in depth with how diverse immigration has shaped the United States. With people from all over arriving here and making a living for themselves from scratch, its analysis on how different languages came to exist in America, as well as how some are no longer in use, the authors Ruben G. Rumbaut and Douglas Massey state statistics on what languages are more known in America and which ones aren’t. Both authors look at how languages in the United States have evolved and how successful these populations have turned into. Finally, the languages the article mentions first are GermanYiddish, and Polish, but later it talks about Spanish became the most spoken language other than English in the USA.  

  • https://www.jstor.org/stable/43297256 


Essay#1 Source list

Posted by Haseeb Chaudhury on

Magazine article- https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/19/learning/what-students-are-saying-about-how-to-improve-american-education.html

The article “What Students Are Saying About How to Improve American Education” by The Learning Network discusses the flaws in the American Education system. The article goes over the main points and provides real-life anecdotes of people experiencing those flaws. For example, one of the main points being addressed is the amount of pressure put on students. The article then provides a short anecdote of someone experiencing that as it states, “The expectations that I wish that my teachers and school have of me is that I am only human and that I make mistakes.” Other main flaws being addressed in the article include the usage of less technology, preparing students for real life, elimination of standardized tests, giving teachers money and support, making lessons engaging, better learning environments, supporting students’ families, and de-emphasizing grades

Open Web Source- https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/06/everything-in-american-education-is-broken/488189/

The article “America’s Not-So-Broken Education System” by Jack Schneider talks about how flawed the American education system is and how it needs to be reformed. This article goes through various issues like the lack of training the teachers receive and how the curriculum is insufficiently challenging. For example, Schneider states, “or most of American history, teachers received no training at all, and hiring was a chaotic process in which the only constant was patronage.” Schneieer believes that the evolution of the American education system is slow and it has a lot of room for improvement. He states in order to create a better system this requires a lot of swift justice and steady effort.

Newspaper article- https://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2018-07-27/americas-schools-arent-working-for-americas-kids

The article “Rethinking Education In America” by  Gabrielle Levy is about an interview with Arne Duncan who has spent most of his life in and around education. Levy interviews Duncan about the contemporary issues surrounding American Education. For example, Levy asks Duncan about what’s holding the nation back in which Duncan responds, “There’s a small number of political leaders that are willing to challenge the status quo and challenge the base, but that’s few and far between.” Levy then goes on to ask Duncan about deeper issues of American education and potential solutions on how we can fix this system. Duncan believes that we don’t value teaching enough in that we don’t train teachers as professionals as well as the responsibility lies within us voters in not actively participating in this issue.

Scholarly article- https://web-b-ebscohost-com.ccny-proxy1.libr.ccny.cuny.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=b70185a8-a4e8-48a3-9728-efb6794defcd%40pdc-v-sessmgr01

The article “The problem with American education” by Marvin C. Zastrow presents the issues surrounding American education. For example, Zastrow states, “The majority of today’s students need a stronger motivation.” Zastrow believes that a lack of motivation within the students is a crucial issue within the American education system. Other issues that Zastrow presents include issues with the grading system, the pressure on students, and methods of learning. Zastrow also addresses potential solutions to the American education system which includes giving weekly period length tests, grading all tests except finals which is a pass or fail, and students that fail weekly tests must attend review sessions until they have passed the test. Another solution he addresses would be to implement a flexible schedule within the curriculum so it makes it easier for students to learn.


Posted by Elena Yu Xu on

Teen Physical Abuse

Open Web Source

This article explains the basic treatment for physical and emotional violence, guided by schools. It states that schools must give some knowledge to the students about these basic issues since they are very common to teenagers. Next, teachers and counselors should provide helpful ways and ideas to the students of this event. Furthermore, schools give education and lessons to guide their students when encountering violence, and situations when they are feeling down. It points at some useful ideas to open them up such as to “express…connect…move…shift”. All of these strategies might help them to feel better and to maintain “seasoned emotional stability that can equalize the urge to…anxieties or lash out in rage”.  Even though these are very common techniques, but they are very helpful to maintain their emotional equilibrium, so they could solve their difficulties adequately.

  • https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/showing-up-strong-for-yourselfand-your-studentsin-the-aftermath-of-violence

Magazine Article

This article describes the coming and the starting position of abuse and violence, and states that they mainly come from the discipline of their parents, ”We believe family violence is a learned behavior,”. Next, it also argues that schools started the study to educate students about physical abuse and the ways to prevent it. Many people, especially kids and teenagers have misunderstandings of this meaning, and think that violence is not considered if it does not have “broken arms and black-and blues”. However, this is not the case because it consists of many kinds of mistreatment, which some of them can be even considered as ones such as “name-calling, excessive yelling or making derogatory remarks”.

  • https://www.nytimes.com/1989/11/12/nyregion/teaching-teen-agers-to-control-violence.html?searchResultPosition=7

Newspaper Article

It talks about emotional and physical abuse in a teenage relationship. The victim (girl) describes her conditions when she was in a relationship with a guy, where he shows violence and control over his partner. The cause started after they were after a long relationship, “The partner would control aspects of her life… over time, her partner started physically hurting her”. Furthermore, this article also talks about people/ victims who have suffered abuse would not share with their parents or with other ones because it is usually told by the accuser to keep quiet of what he/ she has done.


Scholarly Source

It summarizes the causes and some of the cures for the victims who have experienced by any type of abuse, such as emotionally, physically, or even sexually, etc. It shows that all of these types of abuses mostly come from close people, and they could be from family members, friends, partners, or anyone they trusted with. Next, all of these causes influence individuals with the ability to trust, love, be confident, and a huge impact on their interacting process with other people. However, this article also points to some of the treatments to the victims, and they could be someone who is counselors, psychotherapists, and people who pay close attention to them to help them to open their minds and release themselves. After all, all of these procedures might take a long time to be cured, depending on each individual and victim.



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