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Essay #3 Audience Strategy

Posted by Haseeb Chaudhury on

The topic that I’ve chosen was American education and the flaws it contains. The main audience for my essay was educators since they are mainly in charge of ensuring the education of students. I would like to educate the educators in charge of our education about the flaws that occur within the American education system. The primary characteristic of my audience is that they are mostly in the adult age range. I want them to understand the problems students are facing within the American education system. The strategy I might use would be using logos by presenting statistical information, having some sort of pathos to make them feel guilty of how they are not doing anything to change the system, and maintaining a formal style of tone. The genres that would make the ideas more accessible would be having visuals because they might be good for the audience which in this case would be the educators since it shows them a bigger picture of what the issue is and gives them a general idea on how to solve certain issues. Furthermore, another genre I can use would be a poster because it would be easier to convey my message about the problems within American education towards educators. Currently, I am planning on having my poster contain bullet points on the flaws of the American education system as well as including some sort of picture that demonstrates those flaws. My next visual genre is leaning towards a meme in which it would be a mockery towards American education but the mockery would be an exaggeration which can bring the educator’s attention since the issue can be serious. 

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