Essay #2 Reflection:

My research question for Essay #2 was “What are the current conditions of the immigrant detention facilities in the United States and how do these conditions influence the physical and mental health of detainees ?”. 

When choosing my research question I wanted to further my understanding of my topic on my last essay regarding the corrupt immigration center. Due to the fact that I was a bit familiar with the topic I did not find it too hard to research about it a bit more from a different stance. In which that being the physical and mental effects on detainees in immigration facilities. I found the correct amount of sources and  brushed up on them. I organized my essay with subtitles each being about a different form of abuse and the background of detention centers. I feel that I could have added a bit more data to back up my stance, however I also feel that the data that I did add covered my topic and sub paragraphs. I also liked writing my background of my essay because that is where I can attract my readers and make sure they were familiar with my topic and the leading issue of it all. Furthermore, in my essay my intended audience would most likely be people who feel a connection with the topic or generally people who want to be informed about a leading issue in today’s society. This essay definitely helped me with organization and how to make sure my thoughts and data made sense. I also feel that a problem I have is being a little repetitive and that is something I need to improve on in my next writing assignment.

Comments ( 4 )

  1. Alice Liu
    Miranda, I'm glad that you chose a topic that you wanted to learn and further understand, rather than thinking about the number of resources you have in front of you. Luckily you also had a lot of sources to use. I'm also glad that you decided to use data to explain some of the information in your essay and it strengthens your arguments. I also have the same issue with being too repetitive. I felt like I was being too repetitive with my analysis for this whole essay.
  2. Christine Castillo
    Hi! It sounds like you had a great grasp of your essay throughout, and the topic you chose to elaborate on for your research is so very important. You said you enjoyed writing the background of your essay because that is where you were able to attract your readers while making sure they were familiar with your topic; I admire your enthusiasm when it comes to expressing your own thoughts and ideas. This is something that I am working on and I was encouraged by your confidence!
  3. Andrey Musin
    Miranda that was a great use of your reflection! I think you did a great job figuring out where you fell short i.e. the repetitiveness. I think one thing to consider going forward is how to stay fresh while possibly saying similar things. You don't always have to say different points and you don't always have to say similar ones but I think its how you portray them even if their similar or different that's really at the heart of the problem.
  4. Armani Middleton
    Miranda I love how you wanted to push your knowledge of immigrants a little further. I did not think of it like that I just thought of it in my own way. Also I feel you with the repetitive thoughts, I also thought that was an issue for me. As long as you put out what your trying to say, I believe you'll do good girl.

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