Miranda McCants

Essay #3 Reflection:

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As for writing the composition in two genres essay I felt that this essay was very different than any other essay that I’ve written for this class. The writing structure wasn’t the basic body paragraphs, introduction, and conclusion, but rather a writing piece based off of pictures. I enjoyed engaging in this form of writing I felt that I wasn’t as repetitive as my other essays, I got straight to the point and moved on. I also enjoyed this form of writing because I got to add in my personal view on an image that some might not see. My intended audience for my composition of two genres were for people who wanted a visual representation of what is going on with immigrant detention abuse throughout the Unites States. I also wanted people of any interests to learn about what is actually going on that the media does not showcase. I incorporated the poster of the “Community instead of cages” for my second genre to show people that we all make up a community and shouldn’t be treated different from our different backgrounds. Using a form of pathos I wanted to target people who may have felt like they were unwanted or weren’t supported in their community to know that they are what makes up a community regardless of where they came from, and what language they speak. I felt the need to use that poster to have a piece of emotion that I felt at least a few people can relate on. For my first genre piece of artwork I chose a political cartoon to broadcast what the government is actually doing to solve this issue, without a form of sugarcoating it.

Essay #3 Audience Strategy

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For essay #3 I’d like to focus my writing around an audience who is somewhat familiar to the topic. General readers can also be pointed in the direction of my essay, however the targeted audience are people who can relate to my topic and but not limited to people that can make a difference within the issue. For example, government officials, news broadcasters, ect. I would want people of all ages to be my intended audience age range due to the fact that the younger generation will most likely grow up with immigrant abuse still being an issue, and the elder population being educated with this issue for a long time. I want my audience to feel the pain and suffering that immigrant detainees felt when being stripped away from their families and treated like criminals under inhuman conditions. In response to my writing topic I also want my readers to want to further their understanding of the topic and what to feel the urgency to speak about and make change towards this issue. I hope that my visual representation gives off a sense of feeling and really touches the audience and exactly show what is the problem. I also hope that my visual images educate them on how individuals are being treated in these detention facilities, and not the propaganda the news shows. Due to my images being presented to give a sense of feeling the rhetorical device that I’d like to use is Pathos because that way my audience will have a sense of emotion when looking at the horrific images of what detainees experience. That way my audience can really understand my point and the social issue in today’s society. I want my audience to understand that individuals should not be treated with such cruel treatment and inhuman conditions with detainees starting with the age newborn to adult.

Essay #3: Potential Genre Proposal

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My inquiry based research essay was written on the topic about the abuse of immigrant detention centers and the concerning impacts it has on detainees. I think for this essay I want to continue my based essay on immigrant facility abuse on and focus my audience on educators and government officials. I want to use the political cartoon and poster as my use of pushing my topic to a view of understanding. Since my audience are going to be mainly educators and government officials I feel that a political cartoon will further give a visual representation of what is clearly going on in the picture. Furthermore, I will also elaborate the posters and political cartoon to give a specific explanation of what is being showcased and the message it is trying to send to the audience. I am thinking of considering the option of using additional visual representations to represent the message and impact that the immigration detention centers have on detainees that are locked under inhuman conditions. I feel that the visual genre is the best route for me because the representation of what men, women, and children go through from beginning to end in detention facilities. I feel that I should incorporate real life situations as a result of abuse in detention centers, because most people do not receive the recognition needed to showcase the real life things happening. Beginning the process by researching political cartoons and real life visuals with quotes from people who have experienced being in a detention centers and what is was like.

Essay #2 Reflection:

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My research question for Essay #2 was “What are the current conditions of the immigrant detention facilities in the United States and how do these conditions influence the physical and mental health of detainees ?”. 

When choosing my research question I wanted to further my understanding of my topic on my last essay regarding the corrupt immigration center. Due to the fact that I was a bit familiar with the topic I did not find it too hard to research about it a bit more from a different stance. In which that being the physical and mental effects on detainees in immigration facilities. I found the correct amount of sources and  brushed up on them. I organized my essay with subtitles each being about a different form of abuse and the background of detention centers. I feel that I could have added a bit more data to back up my stance, however I also feel that the data that I did add covered my topic and sub paragraphs. I also liked writing my background of my essay because that is where I can attract my readers and make sure they were familiar with my topic and the leading issue of it all. Furthermore, in my essay my intended audience would most likely be people who feel a connection with the topic or generally people who want to be informed about a leading issue in today’s society. This essay definitely helped me with organization and how to make sure my thoughts and data made sense. I also feel that a problem I have is being a little repetitive and that is something I need to improve on in my next writing assignment.

Essay #2 Research Proposal

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Question: I have decided to stick with the question, What are the current conditions of the immigrant detention facilities in the United States and how do these conditions influence the physical and mental health of detainees ?


Essay Model: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7348446/


Name of Publication: The Heartbreaking Effects Immigrant Facilities Have On Detainees


Throughout the course of my research essay I intend to keep my details and points clear and straight forward. I want to have an essay that covers all aspects of my leading question, and will have my audience broadening their ideas on the social issue. This question relates to the social issue of the thousands of immigrant people who are locked up in detention facilities treated under horrible conditions and the impact it has on their leading mental and physical wellnesses. I feel that this social issue needs to be projected more as it is not in the media. I plan to explore my topic question with articles that tackle the question head on and with broad ideas. Thousands of immigrants are being locked up with little to no explanation, with also no explanation on a way out. The current conditions of facilities are not the safest. In which many reports pertain to sexual abuse on children, mothers, ext. The conditions in which many immigrants are living through in the United States have impacted thousands of detainees mentally and physically. I decided to further my writing with this topic simply because innocent people should not be punished and treated like criminals. I feel that as that I connect with this topic question because of my families history and the continuing history being made of how my family made a life in the Unites States seeking a better life for themselves and the future generation of our family. What interest me the most about this topic is the fact that the government is really allowing the treatment of these immigrant people to occur with no intent to change and improve this system. This issue to me is an essential problem that needs to be dealt with, and a concern on how people can be treated in such manner when trying to seek a better life for themselves and their family. I will look for secondary sources when planning and organizing my research essay.I will also use and look for secondary sources to look more into the mental and physical impact the inhuman conditions have on immigrant detainees. This research focuses on the long lasting effects of immigrant detention facilities and the factual side of the social issue pertaining to the conditions immigrants are put under. I feel that the audience will be based on those who want to educate themselves on the social issue, and those who might want to also write an essay on this topic. Also an audience who finds a connection between my essay/social issue and themselves or past experiences.






How detention centers affect the health of immigrant children: A research roundup








Essay #2 Research Topic Reflection

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My research questions takes into concern on “Why are immigrants in detention centers treated with inhuman conditions?” I would like to further my writing with the same social issue pertaining to the injustices of immigrant detention centers. Another question I have is “Why does the U.S Government feel ok to treat innocent people like criminals?”. I feel that this social issue needs to be projected more as it is not. We are currently living in a broken system with no way of getting out. I decided to further my writing on this topic because coming from a family full of immigrants I don’t know what I’d do if my family were to be stripped away from me, especially when most are trying to better their lives as well as their children’s future. I feel for families who want to seek asylum where they don’t feel safe at home, I have had family tell personal stories where they thought they were going to die if they stood in Ecuador. This social issue is definitely an issue where it feels personal.  I plan to explore my topic with research based articles that can guide me with finding a close result for this social issue. After doing my research on relating articles I plan to come to my own conclusion to my based questions. I hope to learn if the government is doing anything pertaining to the lives lost and lives that continue to suffer who are experiencing abuse in immigrant detention facilities.

Essay #1 Reflection

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When writing essays the thought process has always been the easiest part for me. However, converting my thoughts into a well written essay is the difficult part for me. I felt that when writing the rhetorical analysis essay I was a bit repetitive because all of my sources were similar in which they wrote about the immigrant detention facilities abuse. when writing my draft I typed as much as I could even if it sounded repetitive, then went back and reread my sources and thought of new ideas. I felt that in some way the rhetorical analysis was quite easy because of the well organized format and the connecting questions that were asked. When reevaluating my essay I took my already written thoughts and expanded on them to bring a whole new idea to my analysis. This assignment being the first essay I have written in a while, I feel that I do need to work on converting my thoughts and ideas to a written response. The process of writing the rhetorical analysis genre paragraph was a bit difficult for me because I felt as if I was not explaining the genre correct or in a long paragraph. I enjoyed writing about my topic on immigration detention facilities because I felt that because of my families history I feel very strongly for immigrant people who are going through sickening times, and I feel that immigrant peoples voices need to be heard and something needs to be done. The rhetorical analysis paper was in my opinion a great start to get back into the routine of writing, and I look forward to the upcoming writing assignments.


Essay #1 Source List

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Magazine Article:


In this newspaper article, “New Report Shines Spotlight on Abuses and Growth in Immigrant Detention Under Trump”, the article highlights the immigration centers growing abuse and allegations medical conditions. The writers touch upon the inhuman conditions that the detained people are forced to live with. This article informs their audience that detained people are not being treated as humans and given the proper attention that is needed.



This website summarizes the sexual abuse rates in immigrant detention facilities. The author points out the many issues wrong with the Government and its ways of running detention facilities. The purpose of this article is to inform its audience of the unconstitutional levels of medical and metal health care that are striped away from detained people.

Newspaper Article: New York Times

The newspaper article informs the audience of the thousands of sexual abuse allegations that were reported by children in immigrant detention centers. The author brought up the amount of cases where allegations were made totaling more than 4,500 reports of child abuse. The article made a point how sexual abuse cases weren’t taken seriously and underreported within the years. This further explains how the Government is not taking the detainees seriously and the conditions they are going through.

Scholarly Source:


The source “detained in Obscurity: The U.S Immigrant Detention Regime” by David Hernandez, discusses the amount of immigrants detained in facilities that are forced to be in solitary confinement. The source raises some question on why would immigrants who are not criminals held in such punishment. The author brought up how solitary confinement is used and the impact it has on a persons life.


Topic Reflection: Abuse of Immigrant Detention Centers

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A social issue that interests me is the abuse of immigrant detention. The use of detention centers is a strategy the government uses to enforce immigrants that travel to the United States, even those who seek asylum. Government detention centers has not only locked up innocent immigrants, but has treated them with such inhuman and cruel. This topic mostly caught my attention due to the majority of my family being immigrants and the obstacles they had to endure. Thousands of immigrants are being locked up in cages with lack of medical attention, nutrition, and explanation. Children are forced to take care of themselves with lack of food and some stripped away from their families. If the roles were switched I wouldn’t know what to do without my family by my side. Enforcement operations aren’t taking the lives of immigrant people serious, treated as if they weren’t humans. The social issue of what immigrant people have to endure when in these detention centers truly breaks my heart, and needs more accurate attention. The media is broadcasting a series of propaganda when not speaking on how ICE is treating these immigrant families. I would like to know if there is any open investigations on ICE and what are the governments plan to end the horrific brutality on immigrants. I would also like to know why has the media covered up ICE and the disturbing detention centers. Most importantly I would like to understand why the government has turned a blind eye on immigrant people.

Rhetorical Analysis: “Children Were Dirty, They Were Scared, and They Were Hungry” by Lizzie O’Leary

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Author: The article “Children were Dirty, They Were Scared, and They were Hungry” by by Lizzy O’Leary, a writer who takes her interest for immigrant families journey coming to the United States to a written stance. O’Leary teams up with an Immigration Attorney who describes her journey when explaining what she has witnessed at the border.

Rhetorical Analysis/ Exigence: The article was written to uncover the horrible conditions migrant families experience when seeking asylum in the United States. Many immigrant families seek a safe environment, better education, and escaping the violence their home brings. Innocent people shouldn’t be locked up in cages and treated as if they are an animal. This worldwide issue needs to be heard and O’Leary and Muhkerjee apply pressure onto the fact that innocent children are being held in crowded cages with little to no food, as well as no medical attention if needed. The tone and word choice used in O’Learys article puts focus on the importance of the issue, by using words like “Degrading” and ” inhuman” to describe the treatment the children are experiencing in the Federal Custody Facilities.

Audience: The article attracts an audience of readers who would like to further educate themselves on the social issue of  how immigrant families are being treated in Government facilities. Therefor, what Muhkerjee writes is pointed towards people who want to better their understanding on the social issue that is happening right under our noses.

Purpose: The purpose of the article is to educate the audience about the social issues of migrant children being detained in Government facilities under harsh conditions. The writer wants to inform the readers about what is exactly happening to these children that the Government isn’t showcasing. O’Leary mentions her little understanding to the crisis, As a result she invites Elora Mukherjee, a professor at Columbia Law School. Elora Mukherjee has been working on issues related to the crisis, and has interviewed immigrant families being detained in migrant facilities. The writer informs her audience about the “Inhuman” and “Degradation” conditions as described from Professor Mukherjee’s Interview with the immigrant families.

Genre: The article is an informational because the writer continuously addresses how she interviewed professor Elora who mostly educate the readers on what she witnessed while visiting the facilities. The writer’s whole purpose is to educate her audience on what is going on with immigrant families who are seeking asylum in the United States. In addition, informational articles are used to communicate a point and further educate the audience to understand the topic clearly, and that is exactly what Mukherjee does.

Stance: The writer Lizzie O’Leary believes that no person should be treated with such inhuman and degrading conditions. The author demands more attention for these children who are living under these conditions with little to no help and attention. O’Leary asks her readers to reach out to congress regardless of ones background and political background.


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