Essay #2 Reflection

My research topic was sexual assault. From the beginning, I was struggling with my research question. I came up with a lot of ideas, but still, I was struggling to find out the research question that fits my criteria. Then I came up with a question that feels unclear and it was too broad for the scope of this assignment. Then Professor Shamecca shared an article on how to develop your essay question. Also, she shared some ideas that helped me a lot to come up with a well-developed research question. When I was thinking about how women can protect themselves from sexual assault, I was having trouble finding these pieces of information. Most of the articles share how sexual assault affects women living in society. But I found an article that talks about how self-defense can help women to protect themselves. Then I get some ideas that I can add this information to my research. After analyzing my text, I realized that I provide a lot of quotes in a paragraph. Without explaining those quotes it makes no sense how these quotes related to my research question. Also, I did rush to provide all information at a time. That makes my essay looks so weird. So, I break down into pieces of my information, explain each of my quotes to support my ideas, and then relate it back to my research question. My intended audients are feminists, parents, police, government officers. In my essay, I explained each of my intended audience roles in society and what they do to prevent sexual assault. Furthermore, I tried to influence our parents on how they can motivate their daughters to join the self-defense program. Our government and police officers should motivate the victim to report the incident and they need to protect the victim’s family so that they don’t have to experience any threat. This process of writing helps build-up my critical thinking, improves my writing skills. This process influences me to organize my writing, make a connection with my readers so that they can understand my ideas. This essay helps me on how to break up information into different pieces that help my audience to connect with my ideas easily.  

Comments ( 4 )

  1. Emily Sanchez
    I completely understand the trouble of looking for the right information that addresses the ideas you're trying to incorporate into your essay. It was hard to find resources that related to your question but it's good that you kept looking and expanding your thought process. It's also good that you used the resources the Professor provided. I hope you ended up finding all the information you needed and that you didn't struggle too much with your essay writing!
  2. Elena Yu Xu
    I understand your concerns about thinking for a good research question and how you troubled in looking for resources to support your paper because it happened the same to me and took me a lot of time to figure it out since we need to do a lot of research for it to match our research question and support our ideas, which was not an easy step. However, I also agree with how Professor Shamecca provides a lot of information to help us overcome this issue. I'm glad you improved your writing skills after this process!
  3. Haseeb Chaudhury
    Coming up with a research question can be difficult. I think it can be easier to find something that aligns with your interests. I also had some trouble finding information, especially which quotes I had to use since my articles provided a lot of good points. Some of my quotes didn't match up with my topic, so I had to change it up. I agree that this influenced my ability in organizing information and helping me break down the information into smaller pieces.
  4. Jiajie Liang
    I feel like a lot of people have trouble finding research resources that are different from the central point of view of their research topic. I already had this confusion when I was writing my first paper. It is a really difficult problem to get a solution for. Also, I think the research question you're looking for is a pretty good one to go into. I really like your research topic, and Professor Shamecca has really helped us a lot. I hope you have a high essay grade after Professor Shamecca's feedback.

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