Question: “What social and psychological factors influence rates of depression among college students in the United States, and how do institutions of higher education and individuals as themselves help to mitigate these risk factors?”
The name of the publication: Triggers and Strategies to Alleviate Depression Among College Students in the U.S.
Essay Model: “College Students: Mental Health Problems and Treatment Considerations” by Paola Pedrelli, Maren Nyer, Albert Yeung, Courtney Zulauf, and Timothy Wilens. (
This research question interests me because many people from different groups and demographics must have something they concern about, especially students that come from high school to college, since everything will change and they will face many distinct challenges, but also to form a part of their new experiences. Since then, as college students, they have symbolized as adults now. This response is a part of them becoming more independent and no longer relying on their parents as before. In other words, the university will create a sense of environmental change, while they also have to get used to certain things and adapt to a new whole place and its surroundings. Next, it connects to social action because all of these stresses and depression that each individual will face and has, such as any obstacles and troubles, might lead to some of them (college students) into committing suicide or other misconduct actions due to their impulse, or any other reasons.
This is an essential issue because it is a concern that many college students worry about because of their personal or social difficulties, which may lead to various serious results. Also, as for college students, they have to adapt to many things and at the same time being independent in an age where they couldn’t support all of them of a sudden. So, it is important that we get to know more about depression triggers and what we and other people from high institutions can do to help each other and the community in order to prevent any risk factors. By extension, with all of these in mind, I will look for secondary sources to help me answer the common social and psychological factor influences of depression, but also the importance of higher institutions and as individuals themselves to overcome this issue. As said, the sources will be primarily based on the causes of depression among college students in the USA and some of its treatments.
This research focuses on the audience as college students since they are the main characters for this topic (depression triggers), parents, and people from higher institutions such as instructors, advisors, counselors, and psychologists to help guide the students to overcome some struggles and to reduce the risk factors caused by depression. The audience will be based on them because this writing concentrates on depression amongst college students, but also the connection or relationships between them to their parents, and individuals from higher institutions to help them guide through their obstacles, and prevent any circumstances caused by this matter, also with the idea to get more understanding about this issue.
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