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Essay#2 Research Proposal

Posted by Aditya Sankar Das on

Question:-Yet how many more incompetent girls have to lead measurable life, just for some cruel beasts of sexual intercourse without her willing? 

Publication Name:- Frontiers in psychology

Essay Model:- “Blaming the victim of Acquaintance  Rape: Individual, Situational, and Socio-Cultural factors” by Claire R. Gravelin, Monica Biernat, Caroline E. Bucher.


Finally, I came up with a question about my research topic. I grew up in an area where I used to watch girls who were scared of getting raped to go alone from one place to another. They avoid some areas and modes of transportation, or they avoid wearing modern clothes that are provoking. When a girl gets raped, society always blames her dress, and this is why girls cannot travel the way they want, and they cannot dress the way they want. Society has bound them to certain compulsions. The parents are too concerned about their girls about going outside. They do not want their girls to face an ambiguous situation. Undergoing ambiguous situations seems likely to contribute significantly to women’s fear of sexual harassment, even if those situations are encountered more frequently than indisputable circumstances of danger. “Warr reported that women (under the age of 35) in the USA fear rape more than any other crime” (Hendrik Peter). If this is the case for a guy, whenever they want, they can go anywhere. Even with a short and sporty t-shirt, they could go outdoors. A dress does not matter to society at that point. Here is the point that we all have to worry about. Why do girls need to lead an observable life, just for some barbaric beasts of sexual intercourse? Rape is not a matter of particular concern that impacts a few people but is a social justice issue that affects all. Society and parents thought that girls cannot protect themselves. That is why they discriminate against girls from boys. This is the best time for girls to show their strength, and society needs to see that girls can defend themselves. “The first argues that women’s involvement in sexual assault prevention is empowering and effective, particularly in respect to self-defense training and avoidance of risky situations” (Nicole Bedera). The family needs to encourage their girls to learn boxing and karate to protect themselves. There is no point in having girls locked within four walls for this issue.  

For my secondary resource, at first, I researched how girls get raped in a different situation. How do they have to face ambiguous circumstances in schools, colleges, even in hospitals? How society bound them in certain compulsions and have to face discrimination almost everywhere. Then I found a resource that helped me improve my analysis and provide me with a strong understanding to prevent this from happening. In my final research, how girls should defend themselves from rape, pursue justice, help the family, more obligation. 

My article will attract an audience of people who are interested in the women’s rights movement. People feel concerns and excuses not to reveal their experiences of rape to the police and lay criminal charges. In my article, I am going to discuss the role of our police officers and support the victims’ families to get justice. Feminists, government officers including police officers, civil officers are also part of my audience.


                                                           Work Cited


Gravelin, Claire R, et al. “Blaming the Victim of Acquaintance Rape: Individual, Situational, and Sociocultural Factors.” Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers Media S.A., 21 Jan. 2019, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6348335/. 

Bedera, Nicole, and Kristjane Nordmeyer. “‘Never Go Out Alone’: An Analysis of College Rape Prevention Tips.” Sexuality and Culture, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, p. 533+. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A423856435/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=92c7a12e. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.


Aronfeld, Spencer Marc. “Sexual assault by a health care provider: it may seem impossible for a patient to be sexually assaulted in a hospital by a health care provider, but it happens. This type of case presents unique challenges. Be ready for them – and help your client hold the responsible parties accountable.” Trial, vol. 45, no. 12, Dec. 2009, p. 46+. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A238558841/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=2251d3f6. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.


Peters, Jan Hendrik, and Michael Hock. “Memory for pictures of sexual assault: Sensitive maintenance of ambiguous stimuli.” PLoS ONE, vol. 15, no. 7, 2020, p. e0236873. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A630938579/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=96990fc9. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.


Mgolozeli, Siyabulela Eric, and Sinegugu Evidence Duma. “‘They all laughed and asked me if I enjoyed having sex with those guys’: Exploring men’s lived experiences when reporting rape to police in South Africa.” PLoS ONE, vol. 15, no. 8, 2020, p. e0235044. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A633157699/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=9ce25224. Accessed 18


Posted by Elena Yu Xu on

Question: “What social and psychological factors influence rates of depression among college students in the United States, and how do institutions of higher education and individuals as themselves help to mitigate these risk factors?”

The name of the publication: Triggers and Strategies to Alleviate Depression Among College Students in the U.S.

Essay Model: “College Students: Mental Health Problems and Treatment Considerationsby Paola PedrelliMaren NyerAlbert YeungCourtney Zulauf, and Timothy Wilens. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4527955/)

This research question interests me because many people from different groups and demographics must have something they concern about, especially students that come from high school to college, since everything will change and they will face many distinct challenges, but also to form a part of their new experiences. Since then, as college students, they have symbolized as adults now. This response is a part of them becoming more independent and no longer relying on their parents as before. In other words, the university will create a sense of environmental change, while they also have to get used to certain things and adapt to a new whole place and its surroundings. Next, it connects to social action because all of these stresses and depression that each individual will face and has, such as any obstacles and troubles, might lead to some of them (college students) into committing suicide or other misconduct actions due to their impulse, or any other reasons.

This is an essential issue because it is a concern that many college students worry about because of their personal or social difficulties, which may lead to various serious results. Also, as for college students, they have to adapt to many things and at the same time being independent in an age where they couldn’t support all of them of a sudden. So, it is important that we get to know more about depression triggers and what we and other people from high institutions can do to help each other and the community in order to prevent any risk factors. By extension, with all of these in mind, I will look for secondary sources to help me answer the common social and psychological factor influences of depression, but also the importance of higher institutions and as individuals themselves to overcome this issue. As said, the sources will be primarily based on the causes of depression among college students in the USA and some of its treatments.

This research focuses on the audience as college students since they are the main characters for this topic (depression triggers), parents, and people from higher institutions such as instructors, advisors, counselors, and psychologists to help guide the students to overcome some struggles and to reduce the risk factors caused by depression. The audience will be based on them because this writing concentrates on depression amongst college students, but also the connection or relationships between them to their parents, and individuals from higher institutions to help them guide through their obstacles, and prevent any circumstances caused by this matter, also with the idea to get more understanding about this issue.











Essay #2-Research Topic Proposal

Posted by Christine Castillo on


For my research-based essay question I will be presenting: What are the primary contributing factors to rising U.S. crime rates during the Covid-19 Pandemic? The paper will model the article “Has Covid-19 Changed Crime? Crime Rates in the United States during the Pandemic.” written by J.H. Boman and O. Gallupe for the American Journal of Criminal Justice. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12103-020-09551-3) My objective is the transference of fact-supported information compiled during my research to an equally inquisitive and concerned audience as I explore three factors that may or may not contribute to the recent rise in violent crime across the country. This question is significant to me as the current resident of a large metropolis where criminality impacts my daily activities and overall safety.  It is relevant to society as it represents possible consequences of our current social climate and choices that have been made amidst the Coronavirus pandemic. Thus far I have collected the majority of my secondary source material, notwithstanding additional sources that may be sought out as I thoroughly investigate each subsection.

The first avenue of examination will be whether an increase in alcohol and substance use due to mandated stay-at-home orders nationwide has any effect on increased crime rates. I will parallel information gathered from researchers who studied the HIV/AIDS epidemic, any correlating substance abuse, and its impact on crime and violence at that time. The second consideration will be if the early release of incarcerated individuals, due to Covid-19 health concerns, generated more regional delinquency in the areas surrounding the penitentiaries from which they were discharged. And finally, I will research if BLM and De-fund the Police protesting has any influence on the uptick in criminal activity across the United States. Does the possibility exist that Law Enforcement agents are intentionally eschewing their responsibilities or is the opposite true; are more arrests being made due to the rise of community unrest and the call to action by outraged citizens.

By narrowing the potential causes from my preliminary list of possibilities to the most substantial three, I feel that I can better manage the direction and focus of my research question. My aim is to maintain command of my topic by eliminating redundant ideas that could potentially oversaturate my essay with unnecessary or confusing information making it difficult or tedious to read.

Works Cited

ACLU, “Decarceration and Crime During Covid-19.” American Civil Liberties Union, 27 Jul. 2020, https://www.aclu.org/news/smart-justice/decarceration-and-crime-during-covi19/. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020

Ashby, Matthew P. J. “Initial evidence on the relationship between the coronavirus pandemic and crime in the United States.” Crime Science, vol. 9, no. 1, 2020, p. NA. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A624351034/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=86a8b973. Accessed 11 Oct. 2020.

Boman, John H., and Owen Gallupe, “Has COVID-19 Changed Crime? Crime Rates in the United States during the Pandemic.” Am J Crim Just 45, 537–545 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12103-020-09551-3. Accessed 18, Oct 2020.

Curtis, Richard. “The improbable transformation of inner-city neighborhoods: crime, violence, drugs, and youth in the 1990s.” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, vol. 88, no. 4, Summer 1998, p. 1233. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A54700680/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=7d939bce. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.

Hobbs, Michael. “Don’t Blame BLM For The Rise In Violent Crime. The Real Reason Is Much More Interesting.” The Huffington Post, 19 Jul. 2020, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dont-blame-the-rise-in-violent-crime-on-protesters_n_5f122c8bc5b6cec246c294f3. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020

Loader, Ian. “To reduce the harm: On defunding the police.” TLS. Times Literary Supplement, no. 6124, 2020, p. 10+. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A632770147/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=60d033b4. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.

NIDA. “Research at the Intersection of HIV with Substance Use Disorders amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 28 Jul. 2020,   https://www.drugabuse.gov/about-nida/noras-blog/2020/07/research-intersection-hiv-substance-use-disorders-amidst-covid-19-pandemic. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.

Raphael, Steven, and Michael A. Stoll. “The effect of prison releases on regional crime rates.” Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, Annual 2004, p. 207+. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A303451041/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=AONE&xid=1671c8ad. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.

Southall, Ashley, and Neil MacFarquhar. “Gun Violence Spikes in N.Y.C., Intensifying Debate Over Policing.” The New York Times, Published 23 Jun. 2020, Updated 24, Aug. 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/23/nyregion/nyc-shootings-surge.html. Accessed 11 Oct. 2020.

Vitelli, Romeo. “How Are Substance Abuse and Violence Related.” Psychology Today, 08 Mar. 2018, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/media-spotlight/201803/how-are-substance-abuse-and-violence-related. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.

Zaveri, Mihir. “A Violent August in N.Y.C.: Shootings Double, and Murder is Up by 50%.” The New York Times. 02 Sept. 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/02/nyregion/nyc-shootings-murders.html. Accessed 11, Oct. 2020.

Essay #2 Topic Reflection

Posted by Alexa Morales on

I’ve decided that my research question will be “How does the United States make it difficult for Immigrants to move on with their lives and succeed?”. Based on some research I’ve looked into, these days the Trump administration has not only seen an increase of people wanting to enter the country legally, but they’ve made it harder for people to earn their citizenship the way they would want people to fill out the process. This question interests me because I am interested with learning about immigration and the upside and downsides that come from it. I found a model essay that I can reference in my essay, the title is “How Trump made it that much harder to become a US citizen”. This article posted on VOX.com goes in depth with what I’m looking for in my research because one section talks about how Trump caused a “naturalization backlog”. This naturalization backlog is basically what happens when someone applies for a citizenship but has to go through another screening process. The process is also more strict than usual and the fees for online naturalization have increased by $1,160 since October 2nd of this year. Not to mention its already difficult to get much done because of covid-19. But nonetheless, this model essay can help guide my research so I can look more into why the government has made becoming a legal citizen much harder for immigrants these days. In this essay I hope to reach those who are as considered with the problems that have surrounded immigration and possibly educate and inform those who want to learn about the corrupt system and how it has constantly been against minorities. Since this essay is due on November 6th, I plan to have my research done by next week Sunday, October 25th. I’ll base my research off the model essay and look more into the subtopics of naturalization and what new laws the government has placed against immigration since 2016. This week I will start looking into the increase of people applying for their citizenship and how that number has increased.

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