Essay #2 Research Proposal
Question: I have decided to stick with the question, What are the current conditions of the immigrant detention facilities in the United States and how do these conditions influence the physical and mental health of detainees ?
Essay Model:
Name of Publication: The Heartbreaking Effects Immigrant Facilities Have On Detainees
Throughout the course of my research essay I intend to keep my details and points clear and straight forward. I want to have an essay that covers all aspects of my leading question, and will have my audience broadening their ideas on the social issue. This question relates to the social issue of the thousands of immigrant people who are locked up in detention facilities treated under horrible conditions and the impact it has on their leading mental and physical wellnesses. I feel that this social issue needs to be projected more as it is not in the media. I plan to explore my topic question with articles that tackle the question head on and with broad ideas. Thousands of immigrants are being locked up with little to no explanation, with also no explanation on a way out. The current conditions of facilities are not the safest. In which many reports pertain to sexual abuse on children, mothers, ext. The conditions in which many immigrants are living through in the United States have impacted thousands of detainees mentally and physically. I decided to further my writing with this topic simply because innocent people should not be punished and treated like criminals. I feel that as that I connect with this topic question because of my families history and the continuing history being made of how my family made a life in the Unites States seeking a better life for themselves and the future generation of our family. What interest me the most about this topic is the fact that the government is really allowing the treatment of these immigrant people to occur with no intent to change and improve this system. This issue to me is an essential problem that needs to be dealt with, and a concern on how people can be treated in such manner when trying to seek a better life for themselves and their family. I will look for secondary sources when planning and organizing my research essay.I will also use and look for secondary sources to look more into the mental and physical impact the inhuman conditions have on immigrant detainees. This research focuses on the long lasting effects of immigrant detention facilities and the factual side of the social issue pertaining to the conditions immigrants are put under. I feel that the audience will be based on those who want to educate themselves on the social issue, and those who might want to also write an essay on this topic. Also an audience who finds a connection between my essay/social issue and themselves or past experiences.
How detention centers affect the health of immigrant children: A research roundup