Essay #2 Research Topic Reflection

My research questions takes into concern on “Why are immigrants in detention centers treated with inhuman conditions?” I would like to further my writing with the same social issue pertaining to the injustices of immigrant detention centers. Another question I have is “Why does the U.S Government feel ok to treat innocent people like criminals?”. I feel that this social issue needs to be projected more as it is not. We are currently living in a broken system with no way of getting out. I decided to further my writing on this topic because coming from a family full of immigrants I don’t know what I’d do if my family were to be stripped away from me, especially when most are trying to better their lives as well as their children’s future. I feel for families who want to seek asylum where they don’t feel safe at home, I have had family tell personal stories where they thought they were going to die if they stood in Ecuador. This social issue is definitely an issue where it feels personal.  I plan to explore my topic with research based articles that can guide me with finding a close result for this social issue. After doing my research on relating articles I plan to come to my own conclusion to my based questions. I hope to learn if the government is doing anything pertaining to the lives lost and lives that continue to suffer who are experiencing abuse in immigrant detention facilities.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Alexa Morales
    Hi Miranda! I like the choice you made for your topic and your research question is very good. Your feelings are valid and you look you're on the right track with your research. I'm also focusing my research on immigration and I might try to look more into this specific problem as well.

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