Essay #2 Topic Reflection
My research topic will be about Defunding the police. To be clearer it will be about the reasoning, thoughts, pros, and cons of whether or not the police should be defunded. This thought came up from people everywhere the moment Greoge Floyde’s death by a police popped up on the news who was suspected of using counterfeit money. People that didn’t feel safe and didn’t feel comfortable about calling the police when in danger started the thought of defunding the police, to relocate those funds elsewhere such as the education system or into social services, and through that tons of people jumped on board to change the system. What it means to defund the police as an idea differs however from people to people. Some want to relocate part of the funds to something else while others seek to dismantle the police force completely and allow a community-led public safety to take its place. I came up with this question after hours of thinking about what I should research, and then I suddenly remembered I have heard people talk about defunding the police on the internet which at the time I thought was the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. I think this is definitely a very important topic to research about especially in these times where police are everywhere stopping violent protests. Police are everywhere these days to ensure that people follow the rules such as wearing masks when going into shops. They are there to stop people from disturbing the public and endangering other people. While they are supposed to protect the public its not like there aren’t some officers that snapped or just made bad choices that reflected on the police force as a whole. They are humans too but it is their job to do things by law. I think there are ways to solve these issues without defunding the police since defunding them could potentially give rise to crime. I plan to explore these other solutions and explore every idea behind defunding the police in my research.
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