
Essay #3 Reflection

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I felt composing my composition in two genres was way easier than trying to write a large traditional essay. It differed in a way that it felt looser in the way that we are allowed to do things in our own way, there are so many genres to choose from. I chose to do an Instagram slideshow/ infographic because I was suggested it and a political comic because I can draw pretty well. The first was directed towards an older audience with mostly just words but not in a way that it felt like reading an essay but just a quick fun-fact type of way. While the other political comic was directed towards a much younger audience using simple cartoons to allow them to understand it easily. The only issue I ever really encountered would be trying to think of what I’m really trying to create, like the idea of what I’m drawing and showing. My chosen intended audiences really gave way to my choices of genre especially the political cartoon part which is also used to attract people to read it. I chose to draw on pathos, appealing to the emotions of my audience in their own interactions with the police to mix with my provided information.

Essay #3 Audience Strategy

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My topic is about the broken windows policing which many people don’t know about, so I’ll seek to inform both the younger generation and the older so they know what type of strategy the police are using in their town. Targeting mainly those using the internet through social media. I merely want to inform my audience and allow them to think about whether or not they want to change the way they are policed or if they are fine with it, either way, they will be able to understand more about what the police are doing. The thing I believe most people will find attracted to and easiest to understand will be pictures, short comics of sorts as well as small fun-facts type of post on social media involving different main ideas of the broken windows policing being shown individually without using tons of text. I also want to use pathos and draw on the audience’s own experiences with the police to allow them to think about how the police are using the broken windows theory in their own town and the effects it has on the audience themselves.

Essay #3 essay proposal

Posted by Richard on

My previous essay topic is about the effects of the broken windows policing in American cities, so I will follow this topic and introduce it to anyone that doesn’t know what type of policing strategy is going on in their city. The problem with the broken windows policing is that not a lot of people really know about what it really is and probably most people don’t even know it existed. The few people that do know are the police force and anyone involved in that category or job to take care of the city, even I didn’t know what it was until I heard about it and researched it. So based on this knowledge I will create posts on social media to educate younger audiences on what broken windows policing is. I’ll create the posts in a “fun fact” type of fashion for younger audiences. The reason for targeting younger audiences is because they will live longer in these cities so it’s better to let them know earlier on what the broken windows policing is since they are most likely living in a city where it is in effect. Older generations will probably also use the internet in some way so I can also make a little political cartoon comic type of post somewhere online. These comics will show cartoons questioning the theory and then showing a chart proving the effectiveness of the broken windows policing where it effectively brings down violent crime rates such as murder, rape, and robberies. I will essentially be doing two different types of online posts.

Essay #2 Reflection

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The topic I chose was actually kind of a difficult topic since I had to research something I had never really known about. It was through suggestions that made my topic about the broken windows theory. Originally it was about defunding the police but it was too new of a topic to write about. I had some trouble finding information before but once I had a solid topic it was quite easy to find what I need through google scholar. The most issue I had with my essay, however, was trying to word my thoughts into complete and logical sentences. It wasn’t like I had solved the issue but it was more of just thinking hard enough as if piecing together a puzzle in my head and forming each sentence for my essay. Basically using up a lot of time trying to gather my thoughts. I have discovered a little solution which is to put what I’m thinking into a sticky note on the side, which made the process just a little bit faster as I didn’t need to keep remembering the original idea while trying to form it into a sentence. This experience of writing this essay has also allowed me to learn more about reading and understanding a scholarly source as well.

Essay #2 Report on Research in Progress

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How does broken window policing affect crime and quality of life in American cities?
Broken windows policing is a way of policing where they focus on eliminating small disorders such as graffiti and loitering to lower more serious crimes like robbery. It is a theory where disorder attracts a sense that the area is not under control which allows for people to commit a crime.

Most of my sources came from google scholar and google search itself. The first source I have picked from google scholar is a website from George Mason University center for evidence-based crime policy. This source is deemed viable and very trustworthy just from the list of their own resources which also helped me in finding some scholarly sources. It talks about what broken window policing is right away and then provided various examples and evidence of broken windows policing and how well they worked as well as any off variables that could have made the broken windows policing fail. That would greatly help me in my research as it easily lists a few key points already. It lists 7 examples of the policing theory with 3 successful results, 3 with no significant result, and one that had a mixed result of both, which is very balanced in terms of if broken windows policing will affect crime and quality of life in America with great results or none at all.

The second scholarly source is a civic report made by multiple people involved in criminal justice and police institutions. It is a fantastic analysis of everything police-related starting from the beginning questioning of the impact of police. It compares zero-tolerance policing against broken windows policing. Zero tolerance policing is completely different because it is the police following very strictly on the law and will punish people no matter how small of a crime they have committed to lower crime rates. This source analyzes multiple examples of both theories and will help immensely with my research in comparing how much of an effect the broken window policing has compared to other ways of policing.

The third scholarly source is a critical analysis of the Broken windows policing in new york city and its impact which resembles very closely to my research question. There are detailed observations made and said in this source which includes how the broken windows policing had consistently linked to declines in violent crime. Several other observations and analysis also proved to be very useful in my research and helps to present factual evidence of the positive effects on broken windows policing.

The last three sources are based on magazines, journals, and news. All of which I have found a great use for evidence and support several ideas. One of which talks about how unstable and murky the broken windows policing is and even gives way for racial profiling within communities, they provide thoughts from many people questioning how far stretched is the idea of people going towards violence all because of litter and other small disorders. Other sources talk about other justice programs that incorporate the broken windows theory ending with success, which gives me another idea to include in my research essay.

I have skimmed through the titles of many sources presented to me on google scholar and had only clicked on 4 that I am currently using because of its relation to my topic. I chose not to use several media sources because it was too general and didn’t contain anything special from other sources. I don’t believe I am missing anything in my research so far or at least I have not thought about it.


Kelling, George, et al. “Do Police Matter? An analysis of the Impact of New York City’s Police Reforms.” Civic Report, 22 December 2001,

C. Kamalu, Ngozi, et al. “A Critical Analysis of the ‘Broken Windows’ Policing in New York City and Its Impact: Implications for the Criminal Justice System and the
African American Community” African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies: AJCJS, April 2018,

E. Harcourt, Bernard, et al. “Broken Windows: New Evidence from New York City and a Five-City Social Experiment.” The Law School The University of Chicago, June 2005,

“Broken Windows Policing.”The Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP),

Kelling, George, et al. “Don’t Blame My ‘Broken Windows’ Theory For Poor Policing.” POLITICO Magazine, 11 Aug. 2015,

Matt DeLisi, Coordinator of Criminal Justice Studies, Dean’s Professor in the Department of Sociology. “Broken Windows Works.” City Journal, 30 May 2019,

O’Brien, Dan. “Break the ‘Broken Windows’ Spell: The Policing Theory Made Famous in New York City under Giuliani and Bratton Doesn’t Hold up to Scrutiny.”, 26 May 2019,

Essay #2 Research Proposal

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Name of publication: The effectiveness of the broken window policing in the community.

Model Essay:

My new research question will be how effective is broken window policing in the community. I didn’t know that there was a broken windows theory at all before until I saw feedback talking about it as a suggestion. The first research question was about defunding the police which was too new of a topic to find a lot of sources on so taking from the suggestion I started researching about broken windows theory. Broken windows theory is basically an idea that if a disorder is seen or begins somehow, the neighborhood will begin to spiral out of control and lead to bigger crimes. Think, the butterfly effect, one small thing can lead to much bigger reactions. Sights of graffiti, drug use, trash everywhere will lead the neighborhood to take on a sign that it is uncared for and unwatched which leads the people living in it to do crimes. I am very interested in this topic because it just seems so interesting to me that there exists this type of theory that makes quite a lot of sense to me and it’s very relevant to social actions as well. The reason for the question of how effective the broken windows theory worked is due to a couple of tests from the articles I found. People questioned its effectiveness when comparing it to other communities that don’t have the broken window policing. At first, it worked like a charm, crime rates dropped significantly from the actions the police took notice of which is the small crimes, littering, graffiti, and such. But then people turned their heads towards other communities without this policing in place, some had the largest arrests on minor crimes and yet they also had such a large drop in violent crime. So, did the broken window theory work as intended and effectively, or was it not necessary in the first place. my audience includes the communities where crime rates are high, the communities that have tons of small crimes, and those that want to learn more about the types of policing.
I had sources that talk about defunding the police but I couldn’t use those anymore.
The first part of my essay will be talking about what the broken window theory is coupled with examples of the experiments for the theory then it will be on how effective the theory is on the community. Next, I’ll write about other communities that have around the same crime rate drop but without the broken window policing and how it is possible or how it had achieved that effect. Finally, I will write about other views on the theory.

Works cited-

“Broken Windows Policing.” The Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP),

Broken Windows Theory.

Lough, Todd. “Community Policing: Broken Windows, Community Building, and Satisfaction with the Police.” CORE, 2007,

Vedantam, Shankar, et al. “How A Theory Of Crime And Policing Was Born, And Went Terribly Wrong.” NPR, NPR, 1 Nov. 2016,

Essay #2 Topic Reflection

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My research topic will be about Defunding the police. To be clearer it will be about the reasoning, thoughts, pros, and cons of whether or not the police should be defunded. This thought came up from people everywhere the moment Greoge Floyde’s death by a police popped up on the news who was suspected of using counterfeit money. People that didn’t feel safe and didn’t feel comfortable about calling the police when in danger started the thought of defunding the police, to relocate those funds elsewhere such as the education system or into social services, and through that tons of people jumped on board to change the system. What it means to defund the police as an idea differs however from people to people. Some want to relocate part of the funds to something else while others seek to dismantle the police force completely and allow a community-led public safety to take its place. I came up with this question after hours of thinking about what I should research, and then I suddenly remembered I have heard people talk about defunding the police on the internet which at the time I thought was the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. I think this is definitely a very important topic to research about especially in these times where police are everywhere stopping violent protests. Police are everywhere these days to ensure that people follow the rules such as wearing masks when going into shops. They are there to stop people from disturbing the public and endangering other people. While they are supposed to protect the public its not like there aren’t some officers that snapped or just made bad choices that reflected on the police force as a whole. They are humans too but it is their job to do things by law. I think there are ways to solve these issues without defunding the police since defunding them could potentially give rise to crime. I plan to explore these other solutions and explore every idea behind defunding the police in my research.

Rhetorical Essay 1 Reflection

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I think writing is a way for people to communicate, and persuade their ideas to another person whether or not they will understand it is up to how well the writing is. A few things that I learned are the MLA citing formatting which includes a bit more information than I originally know of. There isn’t really any strategies at least to my knowledge that I’ve used. I kind of just went into it and typing out what I think I needed to convey in my essay while following the requirements such as summary, rhetorical situation, audience, and so on. This process worked quite well but a few of the rhetorical analyses were confusing at times and it felt like I couldn’t really write a whole lot about it. Some of these include the genre of the sources which confused me greatly because it was quite simple and hard in the sense that you couldn’t really type a whole lot about it. Two more things that confused me were the rhetorical situation and purpose, both of which felt very similar in its function to the essay at least to me so it felt repetitive during and after the writing process. The stance is also something I had never written about before so it was a new experience in trying to write about it for each of the sources. I do think, however, I had pulled it off somewhat, it’s not perfect as I had wanted it but if I had to reconsider my approach I would definitely have planned the whole thing out more carefully and taken the time to really understand the requirements.

Essay #1 Source List

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Scholarly Source:
This source talks about literally everything that surrounds the anti-Asian hate crime from before, during, and after Covid-19. The history of treatment against Asian foreigners starting from the late 1700s was already at the level of verbal and physical violence started by individual racism but Covid-19 allowed a large growth in the spread of racism against Asians. Even politicians and president Trump promoted such racism by using the term “Chinese Virus” simply because it came from China, that term is merely one of a few terms used to describe the Covid-19 virus in a racist and xenophobic way which increases the risk of hate crime against Asians.

Magazine Source:
This source opens with an interview where a teacher was called a “Chinese virus” by one of her students on her social media, which made her freeze in shock and described it as a scarring experience in seeing that type of comment. This racism against Asians during the pandemic is not only existing on the internet where people think they are fine behind a screen but it also exists outside of social media where it can get very physical.

Newspaper Source:
An increase in acts of discrimination and racism against Asian Americans have been seen. Many cases of young Asian Americans attending school, in the public parks, and even online are being harassed while less than 10% of the cases involved bystanders intervening. Some of these stories and thoughts are being shared by young Asian Americans who are being affected by the surge of xenophobia in their lives during and after the pandemic. Surveys are showing how many of these Asian American families are in fear for the safety of themselves and their families, there are even businesses that created images or ads portraying Asians in a very bad light to increase racism against them.

Social Media Source:
Tik Tok videos are being made about the anti-Asian racism, these are being made by Asians to make fun of the topic itself. A lot of people are getting bothered by Asians just in general because of paranoia and the fact that the virus came from China. A Person even posted a video of how masks don’t even help lift the discrimination and glares from other people. But some of these videos include Asians helping other Asians that are being targeted by other racist people, which made one person quite glad to know that Asians are in this together.


Posted by Richard on

A social issue that interests me is the issue of how the Covid-19 is allowing anti-Asian racism to grow. The issue of discrimination against Asians is getting more and more fierce starting from just words to the potential of actually killing a person. This issue interests me a lot because it shows a lot more of what human nature and the intellect of a lot of people out there are like. Even politicians are making and convincing people that Asian people are bad for their areas. Many of these acts and voices can be seen on the internet, through social media, and many more other sources for everyone else to see which can only increase the number of racist attacks on Asians. The attacks can range from beatings, threats, racist abuse, discrimination, and much more. I can only assume people think Asians everywhere had planned this or carries the virus the second it came out. People are using the pandemic as an excuse to discriminate against people and it’s only going to spread. The government has to make people realize that this isn’t right, they have to change the way people think otherwise it will get worse and worse. The government has not taken enough action to stop this type of hate but instead fueled it with encouragement through their speech or social media posts. I personally want to know whether or not those government officials that support anti-Asian are going to continue because as long as such people are in some sort of power they will influence other people. I also want to know if the government is going to take some sort of action to stop this discrimination because if it continues this issue will get big enough to the point where violent protests similar to black lives matter will appear. People’s lives could get lost from this in fact people’s lives are already being lost from this so when will it stop.

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