Essay #3 Potential Genre Proposal

In my previous research essay, my research topic was rape, which is now a serious issue in our world. Most of the developed countries are trying to overcome this problem. For this assignment, I choose a political cartoon for my visual genre. This political cartoon has an extreme significance to influence my audience and help them to change their perspective. I collect this political cartoon from an Indian Newspaper called “The Indian Express.” This political cartoon was clearly indicated the same issue that I already talked about in my research essay. It’s not so surprising a girl who is experienced sexual harassment, the second guess in our society is her outfit. But this political cartoon is trying to transforming our mind by adding a “Not” in the last line. In the end, the last line was too significant because we can’t judge anyone’s outfit, and “Showing skin is not a crime but rape is a crime.”

 My main intended audiences are our government officers and police officers who are trying their best to stop this crime. They need to make sure that the victim must report the incident that she experienced. Sometimes the victim’s family doesn’t want to report the incident for getting thread or fear of getting attacked. So, our government and police officers need to protect the victim’s family and encourage them to file a case. Secondly, our parents or guardian plays a huge role in our life. Our parents or guardians need to encourage their daughters to join the self-defense programs and encourage them in every step they made in their life to become successful. Our feminists who are working for women’s rights are also part of my audience. Their role is to make sure women get equal rights as men and support them to report any sexual harassment they experience to the police. Also, they need to make sure the victim gets justice. 

Another Genre that I am trying to use will be a poster or I will choose a political cartoon. That will encourage my audience to look at the problem and make certain improvements in our society. A political cartoon allows my audience to deliver information effectively and it is easy to transfer your message to your audience. 

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Erezana Morina
    Hey Aditya, I really like your topic selection. I also feel like a political cartoon would be a great choice to represent your topic. Can't wait to see itt!!!
  2. Haseeb Chaudhury
    I think a political cartoon is a good idea to convey your message about your topic of rape. It is a serious issue that must be addressed and a political cartoon can signify that seriousness that can change the perspective of the audience.

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