Essay #3: Potential Genre Proposal

My inquiry based research essay was written on the topic about the abuse of immigrant detention centers and the concerning impacts it has on detainees. I think for this essay I want to continue my based essay on immigrant facility abuse on and focus my audience on educators and government officials. I want to use the political cartoon and poster as my use of pushing my topic to a view of understanding. Since my audience are going to be mainly educators and government officials I feel that a political cartoon will further give a visual representation of what is clearly going on in the picture. Furthermore, I will also elaborate the posters and political cartoon to give a specific explanation of what is being showcased and the message it is trying to send to the audience. I am thinking of considering the option of using additional visual representations to represent the message and impact that the immigration detention centers have on detainees that are locked under inhuman conditions. I feel that the visual genre is the best route for me because the representation of what men, women, and children go through from beginning to end in detention facilities. I feel that I should incorporate real life situations as a result of abuse in detention centers, because most people do not receive the recognition needed to showcase the real life things happening. Beginning the process by researching political cartoons and real life visuals with quotes from people who have experienced being in a detention centers and what is was like.

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