Essay #3: Potential Genres Proposal

In my essay #2, the topic I explored was school bullying. So I wanted to use the genre of posters to explain my topic. Since the audience of my research paper is people working as educators and parents students, I want to use poster to show my audience about the dangers of school bullying and the effects of school bullying on society. I want to use the rhetoric of warning or caution to show that school bullying is not as easy to solve as we think, nor is it so simple to prevent school bullying. I would like to use many real cases or survey reports to show how negative school violence is, so that it seems more realistic. In addition, I can talk about several effective measures to protect students from school bullying, which can be better illustrated in the form of pictures and articles to better illustrate the prevention methods. Put some proof of the victim’s injuries on the poster and make elaboration on how the person in the picture was injured. This is the only way to get parents to focus on the education and protection of their children.

Another genre is to exhibit the dangers of school bullying in the form of advertisements. Advertisements can visually better promote the resistance to school bullying. Also, school bullying is a social problem. The form of advertisement can give more parents and students legal knowledge about campus bullying, and protecting themselves with a professional perspective is also a measure to prevent campus bullying.

No matter it is in the form of posters or advertisements, I hope to convey the theme of staying away from school bullying or solving the problem of preventing school bullying. Furthermore, I hope that school bullying problem can be reduced in the society and a perfect education system can be found to prevent school bullying.

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Elena Yu Xu
    Hi! it is great that you explored the topic of school bullying and using your genres in advertisements and posters to explain this issue to your audience. After that, I think your thoughts about the methods you will be using in your different types of genres are awesome and could really focus on the attention of your audience, which is incredible.
  2. Alexa Morales
    Hi, I do remember your paper on school bullying and I think your choice of genres would suit your essay really well. you can advertise the main points you discussed in your paper and bring these thoughts to reality, I like the direction you're going with your project.
  3. Ayesha Abdul-Fattaah
    Hey Jiajie, I feel like your topic of choice is very important to be discussed and informed about. I think using people's personal narratives and experiences is a great idea to further reach your audience and convey what you want to convey. As a kid, I used to bully people. I feel like more discussion and conversation about bullying and the dangers of bullying should have existed in the elementary school I went to. Maybe that would have prevented me from bullying. As a 20 year old, I feel a lot of guilt about how I treated people. My 11 year old cousin had to switch schools because people would bully her so bad. She is now suicidal and going through a lot emotionally. I try to be there for her as much as I can. Bullying has really detrimental effects. I also wish our society and schools can reduce bullying now and for the future. I think you will do great in expressing all of your messages to your audience. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful time writing!- Ayesha

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