Essay #3 Reflection

I felt composing my composition in two genres was way easier than trying to write a large traditional essay. It differed in a way that it felt looser in the way that we are allowed to do things in our own way, there are so many genres to choose from. I chose to do an Instagram slideshow/ infographic because I was suggested it and a political comic because I can draw pretty well. The first was directed towards an older audience with mostly just words but not in a way that it felt like reading an essay but just a quick fun-fact type of way. While the other political comic was directed towards a much younger audience using simple cartoons to allow them to understand it easily. The only issue I ever really encountered would be trying to think of what I’m really trying to create, like the idea of what I’m drawing and showing. My chosen intended audiences really gave way to my choices of genre especially the political cartoon part which is also used to attract people to read it. I chose to draw on pathos, appealing to the emotions of my audience in their own interactions with the police to mix with my provided information.

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Ayesha Abdul-Fattaah
    Hey Richard! I agree with you. I found it much easier as well and more enjoyable. I liked the freedom we were given when composing this essay. I am also glad to hear that you were able to use your creativity and artistic skills when creating this essay. I resonate with the thought that it can be difficult at times to think of what exactly to create or draw. Outside of school, when I am painting or drawing, and I reach artist's block, I will just start using random colors and making random brushstrokes and it eventually turns into something. Even when I reach writer's block, I will just begin typing random words and ideas and eventually something comes out of it. It is a cool process, but can be overwhelming or unhelpful for some. I personally love Instagram infographic and slides. They are so helpful in relaying information on sometimes complex topics in a clear and concise way. The amount of things I have learned about the world, our bodies, gender, mental health, healing, the fashion industry, food etc. because of Instagram infographics make indulging in this app very worthwhile. Thank you for sharing!
  2. Faith Morales
    Hey Richard! I agree 100% I felt as though this essay was much easier. I wrote in my reflection as well that I thought there was more freedom within this essay. But I also agree with you with the fact that sometimes it was hard to relate the pictures that I chose with my writing. But I agree with Ayesha, I wrote random things down, and then at the end of writing, I went back and made everything make sense.
  3. Fahmida Akter
    I totally agree with you, Richard. It was one of the easiest essays I wrote. I also really enjoyed the creative part of it. I kind of found myself repeating some of the imformations over and over but I tried to reduce that by going back .

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