Essay #3 Reflection:

As for writing the composition in two genres essay I felt that this essay was very different than any other essay that I’ve written for this class. The writing structure wasn’t the basic body paragraphs, introduction, and conclusion, but rather a writing piece based off of pictures. I enjoyed engaging in this form of writing I felt that I wasn’t as repetitive as my other essays, I got straight to the point and moved on. I also enjoyed this form of writing because I got to add in my personal view on an image that some might not see. My intended audience for my composition of two genres were for people who wanted a visual representation of what is going on with immigrant detention abuse throughout the Unites States. I also wanted people of any interests to learn about what is actually going on that the media does not showcase. I incorporated the poster of the “Community instead of cages” for my second genre to show people that we all make up a community and shouldn’t be treated different from our different backgrounds. Using a form of pathos I wanted to target people who may have felt like they were unwanted or weren’t supported in their community to know that they are what makes up a community regardless of where they came from, and what language they speak. I felt the need to use that poster to have a piece of emotion that I felt at least a few people can relate on. For my first genre piece of artwork I chose a political cartoon to broadcast what the government is actually doing to solve this issue, without a form of sugarcoating it.

Comments ( 4 )

  1. Alexa Morales
    Hi Miranda! I agree with what you liked about this assignment. I also found that this essay was different than the previous ones and was much easier to complete. We also chose similar topics except I chose to focus on immigration in general, I think your genres were a great choice for your essay!
  2. Edward Quezada
    I also agree that this essay had a different structure than the typical introduction-conclusion essays we have done before. Using visual genres to convey a message is also a great strategy since it allows for many to understand more about the social issue without having to read extensively.
  3. Marat Potapov
    Hey, I agree that the essay had a different yet just as complex structure, and I think that the topic you chose is an important one and should be explored through multiple genres so you could put your own best take on it. Which could be linked to a theory of writing, in the sense that you can say that writing can take shape in many forms technically. Its an interesting way to look at it if you think about it.
  4. Andrew Mark Salmieri
    The structure of this essay was certainly different than what we are used to writing. I think it is a good thing though, as it afforded us more creative freedom. I also enjoyed how visual genres more effectively get points across than good ole multi-page essays do.

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