The last week, we are finalized our research question and start our research with some scholarly sources. Also, I found a scholarly source to model my essay. But this week, I am working with my academic sources and gathering some information as much as I can. Also, I am going through some social media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) to find some posts that are related to my topic. 

The first source that I found is “Never go out alone” is published in September 2015. One of the authors is Nichole Branda, who is under the University of Maryland. The authors provided their work citations at the end of the article. That helps us to understand the credibility of the source. I found this article in the gale academic one file that is a great source to find some journal articles. This article provides some information about how girls can reduce the risk of rape or their life by using different methods. This article shares some ideas as girls need to alert of their surroundings when they walk or in a vehicle that supports my thoughts. Another source that I found is “Memory of pictures of sexual assault: Sensitive maintenance of ambiguous stimuli” by Jan Hendrick Peters. It is a reliable source because it is just recently published this year, July 29, 2020. This source is peer-reviewed by the journals or experts in this field. The authors provided their work citations at the end of the article.  The purpose of this article is to inform the audience of how a sexual attack can generate fear in women’s minds. I found this source in the gale academic one file. This article supports my ideas because women have to face so many ambiguous situations that contribute significantly to women’s fear of sexual harassment.

I found a source from the gale academic one file that is about what society thoughts about girls. The name of the source is “Bad girls get raped, good girls go to heaven” by Asante Lucy Mtenje. This article is a great source of gender inequality, culture, religion, family, and other genocide. But this article doesn’t fit the criteria of my research. My research had much to do with how to combat rape. But this article doesn’t have that much information that I can be reliable with it. 

I found another source that is in the gale academic one file. Most of the sources I found from this website. The name of the article is, “They all laughed at me and if I enjoy having sex with those guys” by  Siyabulela Eric Mgolozeli and Sinegugu Evidence Duma. It is a great source and has a lot of information that fits my criteria. This article also provides some good topics such as self-protection from rape and killed, seeking justice, family support, and encouragement. The reason I am confused is that this article is talking about a boy who gets raped. But I think both men and women can get raped. But the methods the article used about how to protect us from being raped or killed. I believe these methods can be used by both men and women. So, I am a little bit confused if I can use this source. 

I start to find some social media posts to add some more information to my research. This week I am working with this but still didn’t find some good sources that fit my criteria. I think social media sources are missing in my research. I am looking for some information about what different NGO’s are doing to stop this crime. 


                                                                 Work Citation


Bedera, Nicole, and Kristjane Nordmeyer. “‘Never Go Out Alone’: An Analysis of College Rape Prevention Tips.” Sexuality and Culture, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, p. 533+. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 21 Oct. 2020.


Peters, Jan Hendrik, and Michael Hock. “Memory for pictures of sexual assault: Sensitive maintenance of ambiguous stimuli.” PLoS ONE, vol. 15, no. 7, 2020, p. e0236873. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 21


Mgolozeli, Siyabulela Eric, and Sinegugu Evidence Duma. “‘They all laughed and asked me if I enjoyed having sex with those guys’: Exploring men’s lived experiences when reporting rape to police in South Africa.” PLoS ONE, vol. 15, no. 8, 2020, p. e0235044. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 21 Oct. 2020.


Crowe, Jonathan, and Bri Lee. “THE MISTAKE OF FACT EXCUSE IN QUEENSLAND RAPE LAW: SOME PROBLEMS AND PROPOSALS FOR REFORM.” University of Queensland Law Journal, vol. 39, no. 1, June 2020, p. 1+. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 21 Oct. 2020.


Bedera, Nicole, and Kristjane Nordmeyer. “‘Never Go Out Alone’: An Analysis of College Rape Prevention Tips.” Sexuality and Culture, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, p. 533+. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 21 Oct. 2020


Comments ( 4 )

  1. Marat Potapov
    Hi your topic is very interesting to me and isnt talked about often or at all. Your sources seem just, and the idea of using social media posts as sources seems like it may be a good idea because of the amount of things social media covers. However the credibility of said sources might me hard to determine because anyone can post anything on the internet. But either than that good report cant wait to read more.
  2. Erezana Morina
    I really like your topic, and I think your resources are strong. I think you should clarify what is your criteria for the assignment because sometimes the reader is confused about that. Good luck with your essay!!
  3. Jaden Fabro
    I think social media sources would be great to use for possible personal experiences regarding your topic, however their validity may be questioned so maybe using magazine or newspaper articles would be better. Also, I believe the scholarly articles that you've already found bring a good amount of information for your research paper. Great sources so far!
  4. Emily Sanchez
    I think it's great that you've gathered a number of sources especially with the use of a specific website. Your sources seem very good and the topic you're addressing is very important to discuss. The idea to use social media posts is good, especially since most people are only looking through online websites. Good luck on your further research!

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