“Income Inequality Is Costing the U.S. on Social Issues” by By Eduardo Porter

In “Income Inequality Is Costing the U.S. on Social Issues,” one very thought-provoking issue is the gap between rich and poor. As we all know, the United States has the most advanced technology available to mankind, but it’s not as good as we thought it would be, the United States is not keeping up with the times in what is now a rapidly evolving era. The birth rate of young people in the United States is very high, but more than twenty percent of people live in poverty. Also among adults, the number of people in prison is increasing every year, which not only shows the seriousness of the education problem, but also one of the main causes of the poverty gap. Furthermore, the United States has a very high mortality rate and very low survival and life expectancy, yet its health care system is very advanced, which means that the health and social cohesion of the American people needs to grow. This may be the result of “excessive inequality”. One of the more serious causes of the wealth gap is that working families are earning less and less, and the lowering of the labor market has led to a more difficult life for working families. The loss of jobs and income dissatisfaction has gradually increased the severity of the gap. In addition, The U.S. is trying to have more talent so that everyone has a college degree, thus boosting the income of lower-class families, however what is not thought of is that although education is expanding, there are not many people who actually learn and go on to advance in society, which can be seen in the graduation rate, low-income families stagnant school enrollment rate has led to the distance between the rich and poor children are also expanding. As a result, We need to change the various issues so that we can alleviate the wealth gap one step at a time, and America needs to have a better health care problem that needs to maintain a balance with medical technology. The second thing is to reduce crime and have a tougher education system that doesn’t allow things like students attending class when they want to and skipping class when they don’t. Lastly, there was the issue of the workforce, which needed to be proportional to income in order to have greater control over the widening gap between rich and poor in society.


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