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Essay #3 Audience Strategy

Posted by Richard on

My topic is about the broken windows policing which many people don’t know about, so I’ll seek to inform both the younger generation and the older so they know what type of strategy the police are using in their town. Targeting mainly those using the internet through social media. I merely want to inform my audience and allow them to think about whether or not they want to change the way they are policed or if they are fine with it, either way, they will be able to understand more about what the police are doing. The thing I believe most people will find attracted to and easiest to understand will be pictures, short comics of sorts as well as small fun-facts type of post on social media involving different main ideas of the broken windows policing being shown individually without using tons of text. I also want to use pathos and draw on the audience’s own experiences with the police to allow them to think about how the police are using the broken windows theory in their own town and the effects it has on the audience themselves.

Audience Strategy

Posted by Erezana Morina on

My intended audience consists of adolescents, as well as, adults affected by Social Media. The primary characteristics are teens from 13-20, as well as adults from 20-25. I want my audience to understand the problem that they are facing and the consequences of excessive social media. The audience should feel the wrongness of SM by not feeling guilty for using it. To make such a sentence true, I want to make a meme that is hilarious but also has indirect meaning to it. For instance, I would say, “If I had a dollar for …”, or “Now Vs. Then”. By looking at these memes, my audience would further think about the change they want to make because Social Media does not provide you financially, however it takes your time away to do something productive or fun. I think my rhetorical strategy proposes logos since my genre would appeal to logic or reason. I also want to make sure my audience is not negatively targeted by making another subway advertisement with facts, demonstrations, and visuals. In this case, I will use logos and pathos for my rhetorical strategies. As explained in my potential genre proposal, I want to make a poster as a subway advertisement. The time should be August or September since that is the time of back to school. In the poster, I will provide facts that address the negative impacts of SM. The use of logos will determine the logical argument of excessive social media so that my audience can understand and feel my poster. I will also use ethos to engage with my audience by categorizing beliefs or ideas of social media. For instance, writing a short sentence from a real person that talked about their negative impacts of social media. However,  appealing to emotions will allow the audience to understand the consequences and feel the need to change or slightly decrease their use of the internet. 


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