Essay #1 Reflection
When writing essays the thought process has always been the easiest part for me. However, converting my thoughts into a well written essay is the difficult part for me. I felt that when writing the rhetorical analysis essay I was a bit repetitive because all of my sources were similar in which they wrote about the immigrant detention facilities abuse. when writing my draft I typed as much as I could even if it sounded repetitive, then went back and reread my sources and thought of new ideas. I felt that in some way the rhetorical analysis was quite easy because of the well organized format and the connecting questions that were asked. When reevaluating my essay I took my already written thoughts and expanded on them to bring a whole new idea to my analysis. This assignment being the first essay I have written in a while, I feel that I do need to work on converting my thoughts and ideas to a written response. The process of writing the rhetorical analysis genre paragraph was a bit difficult for me because I felt as if I was not explaining the genre correct or in a long paragraph. I enjoyed writing about my topic on immigration detention facilities because I felt that because of my families history I feel very strongly for immigrant people who are going through sickening times, and I feel that immigrant peoples voices need to be heard and something needs to be done. The rhetorical analysis paper was in my opinion a great start to get back into the routine of writing, and I look forward to the upcoming writing assignments.
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