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Essay #1 Reflection

Posted by Jaden Fabro on

I believe that writing is a form of self-expression, so as I wrote this essay I felt a bit restricted. I was used to adding my opinion and voice in my high school papers, so this assignment forced me to take a step back from that norm. However, it did make me focus on the articles that I choose, and I found myself taking a lot more time to really understand each one. I did this by highlighting any phrases that pointed to exigence, purpose, audience, genre, and stance. For each aspect of the article, I would choose a different color. This way, when I started to draft my essay, I already had a good idea of what I wanted to write about for each aspect of the article. It also meant that I readily had direct quotes that I could easily add into my paper for evidence. This approach was very successful for me because it helped me organize the exigence, purpose, audience, genre, and stance for each article. It also saved me a lot of time because I was able to easily locate what I needed instead of rereading the entire article. 

Essay #1 Reflection

Posted by Emily Sanchez on

Originally, whenever I thought about writing a type of poem, essay, report, I thought about it as an assignment more than a way of learning. Now, as I read through the feedback I received, it helped an immense amount to make me acknowledge the things I needed help with and to understand that writing is definitely something I need to work on through practice. I’ve never been big on writing, so everything I’m learning doesn’t contradict any information I previously knew, besides MLA format because growing up you’re taught you only need your name and a title and then write as much as you can, but the format does help to organize my work. Adapting this new information into my style of writing was difficult because I didn’t know how to word certain sentences to give the reader a better understanding. As well as having to look back at the articles and try to draw out who the audience would be, it was proven a bit difficult because I couldn’t find any parts of the text that helped me come to a conclusion, most of the essay was about interpreting, something I still struggle with. When first reading the feedback on my work, I got a little stressed because I didn’t realize I would have to rewrite almost my entire essay, however, the steps I took to approach revising my essay helped to improve my analysis a bit better. I started by rereading every article one by one, and as I finished one article I went back to my essay and I read over the feedback before attempting to take a new approach on my analysis. It helped to fix my essay because I didn’t just overwhelm myself with all the changes I needed to make, instead I took my time to read each article carefully and then read the small corrections presented to me with that one article before I moved on to the second one.

Essay #1 Reflection

Posted by Miranda McCants on

When writing essays the thought process has always been the easiest part for me. However, converting my thoughts into a well written essay is the difficult part for me. I felt that when writing the rhetorical analysis essay I was a bit repetitive because all of my sources were similar in which they wrote about the immigrant detention facilities abuse. when writing my draft I typed as much as I could even if it sounded repetitive, then went back and reread my sources and thought of new ideas. I felt that in some way the rhetorical analysis was quite easy because of the well organized format and the connecting questions that were asked. When reevaluating my essay I took my already written thoughts and expanded on them to bring a whole new idea to my analysis. This assignment being the first essay I have written in a while, I feel that I do need to work on converting my thoughts and ideas to a written response. The process of writing the rhetorical analysis genre paragraph was a bit difficult for me because I felt as if I was not explaining the genre correct or in a long paragraph. I enjoyed writing about my topic on immigration detention facilities because I felt that because of my families history I feel very strongly for immigrant people who are going through sickening times, and I feel that immigrant peoples voices need to be heard and something needs to be done. The rhetorical analysis paper was in my opinion a great start to get back into the routine of writing, and I look forward to the upcoming writing assignments.


Rhetorical Essay: Reflection

Posted by Alice Liu on

I believe that writing is a very complicated process. It was not easy making a good essay that would help me get an A in this assignment. I also felt like researching the articles was also an intricate process because I had to make sure the articles fit the criteria of the type of source. Some involved thinking and analyzing than just reading. What I learned that fits into what I know are that when writing a rhetorical analysis, it can be difficult to find the author’s stance towards the topic that they are writing. Some of my articles involved more analysis and thinking of their quotes in order to discover what the author’s stance is. This further proves that writing is a very complicated process, especially in a rhetorical analysis.

The strategy that I used to approach this writing assignment is to analyze the articles ad highlight any significant quotes that I would use to support my statements of the author’s genre, audience, rhetorical situations, exigence, purpose, and stance. By finding the similarities in the ideas the quote is trying to express or convey, I used it to connect some of the concepts together. For example, by discovering the author’s stance in abortion as pro-choice and their identity as a director in a pro-choice organization, I was able to connect them together with the audience and the genre. The genre was a persuasive essay and I was able to connect the author’s stance to who she was trying to persuade, the audience of this article. This strategy was successful because I was able to save some word count and hopefully it made the essay flow better without separating it into, “The stance is…The genre is…”.


Posted by Faith Morales on

I believe writing could be defined as a way of expressing oneself, your own ideas, and your beliefs. When learning about rhetorical analysis, my past beliefs about writing were contradicted in a way that I now knew that my personal beliefs could not be included in this writing style. To analyze each article, I forced myself to refrain from incorporating my own ideas and experiences about gender inequality. When writing my essay, I attempted to write as much as I could and then go back and correct any mistakes. I feel like my strategy worked pretty well when trying to interpret my ideas onto paper, however, I also think I did not try my hardest to reevaluate my thoughts and make sure they worked well with the prompt. I found this assignment to be very eye-opening. I realized not everything will be perfect on your first try and it was difficult to come to terms with that when trying to edit my final draft. I realize that I may be a perfectionist, which could be good or bad, but when writing I now understand how my mindset needs to change to succeed in this class and for any other writing in general. It becomes extremely easy to convince yourself that your writing is great just because you wrote it. You become very close-minded to constructive criticism because you think your work is fine the way it is. This is my problem. I think the best learning experience I can take from this assignment is to be open to new ideas and to understand that good work takes time. I look forward to improving in this class for future assignments and learning more about myself and my writing.

Essay #1 Reflection

Posted by Andrey Musin on

I believe that writing is the process of attempting to intentionally transfer consciousness from the medium of one’s mind to a tangible format such as paper. Any form of writing will strengthen this view and teach one more about oneself. The rhetorical essay was in line with what I know about writing as it is just another outlet of creativity to relay information from one’s noggin to a tangible medium albeit a slightly boring one. I do say this with all the kindness possible but such assignments leave the student (particularly me) drained by the end of it. I think this is because other than a goal of a good grade there doesn’t seem to be much in regards to satisfaction while writing it and when finished. I will say that it is not feasible to understand higher concepts of writing without digging through the mud first and figuring out the different parts of a nonfiction piece is an important testament to that. In the rhetorical essay lies the potentiality for more exciting understanding in the future and I don’t believe that is too bad in itself. I also think this assignment really exemplifies the ability to follow a process and with that process still create vastly different works because of the range of subjects. This in itself can be a wonderful skill to master though I personally have not always been enthusiastic about this type of work.


Essay #1 Reflection

Posted by Alexa Morales on

I believe that writing is ones way to express their thoughts, but also organizing them. when you have a lot on your mind, writing is a great way to let it all out. with this class i’ve learned that writing is more than educational and bland. people have different reasons to write and most of the time it has nothing to do with information. with the sources i’ve researched, the authors wrote their pieces with the hopes of educating their audiences and allowing themselves to empty out their heads. for my own writing, i started out with a separate brainstorm. in school i was taught to simply let out all of my thoughts onto paper first. i knew which topic i wanted to write about so i listed the pros & cons of the sources that i used so i can ultimately make the decision of “should i use this source or will it confuse me later on?” i ended up finding 9 sources but of course i was only able to use 4. using a brainstorming strategy really helped me with my writing process. i think my writing could’ve been more better if i focused on organizing the sources separately. i could’ve approached this assignment with separate brainstorms instead of fitting it all into one paper. nonetheless, i think my writing was successful because it was my first time writing a five-paged paper and I was able to complete it by the deadline. this assignment challenged my writing abilities and i am looking forward to the next assignment and how i can improve my work from there.

Essay #1 Reflection

Posted by Jiajie Liang on

Through writing we can learn about the different thoughts and ideas of each person and different approaches and views towards a certain matter. The topic of a piece of writing can be explored to the smallest issues within the topic, then telling others about your understanding of the topic so that they can understand the purpose and idea behind the writing is what I believe is necessary for a good piece of writing. Not only that, rhetorical analysis is the best factor that can improve the understanding of the essay. Secondly, finding credible information can improve the accuracy of the essay. After going through the first time of writing, I found out that it is not as simple as I thought it would be, it needs to find credible enough sources to find out its purpose from the data. And it needs clear positions and evidence to prove its arguments. However, I didn’t do well in this area. I didn’t find enough evidence to prove its theme in my first essay. And my grasp of grammar and tenses was inadequate, which was a constant concern. But with my professor’s revisions and suggestions, I learned how to write correctly about the position of the essay, and the genre of the essay, to explain specifically why they were there. All of this helped me with my writing and quickly helped me understand the main message and focus of the essay.

Essay #1 Reflection

Posted by Edward Quezada on

Through writing, we want to make sure we provide our thoughts and ideas in a clear way which pertain to the subject we are writing about. An essential part of a good literary work is having an interest or passion in the ideas we are showcasing as writers. When we are writing, we must make sure we are attempting to fulfill everything that is required for that piece. We should also be able to showcase our purpose and the intended audience for that literary work, as well as gather sufficient research or evidence in order to provide a well written piece. In this assignment, our purpose was to rhetorically analyze four different sources and connect them to a single social conflict. The strategies I used were to gather my ideas and try to organize them in a way for the readers to understand the purpose. For my first draft, I showcased the different elements of a rhetorical analysis in separate sections in order to have my ideas organized. After having received feedback about areas where I can improve on, I chose to organize my ideas into an essay format. From this experience, I was able to improve in the way I elaborate on certain ideas that I bring up throughout the essay.  I believe the feedback I received has helped me improve the way I analyzed the articles by finding better quotes to support my ideas as well as connecting different sources together to show the importance of those articles. As I continue writing, I know that I can make further improvements in many aspects in order to become a better writer.


Essay#1 Reflection

Posted by Elena Yu Xu on

I believe writing is a way of communicating with others to express your ideas and conclusions toward certain things. It lets our audience to receive the knowledge through our work because it is a part of another way of expressing your voice. However, as writing has not always been one of my strengths, it is sometimes hard for me to write a good essay. But I believe that having good writing should mostly focus on grammar, and the capacity to show your purpose to the audience, so they can know what you are trying to say after they read your work. Writing a rhetorical analysis with many sources accompanied is my first-time experience, but I think it has got better from the very beginning time when we wrote it as a practice. However, after finishing the final draft of this essay, I have learned more about the processes to justify my work when I try to give data and awareness to people, by applying evidence, purpose, and different elements in an analysis. Moreover, the strategies I used for this essay were to follow the guidelines, add references, and revise many times as possible to make sure it applies the purpose of my work. After that, I think these processes were good, but not perfect because I believe it might always occur mistakes which I probably did not know. However, this essay has helped me a lot to know my weaknesses, but also to improve them through practices and hard work. It has helped me to advance my writing after the process of peer-reviewed, and advice from the instructor, which have helped me to get to know more about my level of writing.

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