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66 Articles


Posted by Elena Yu Xu on

Teen Physical Abuse

Open Web Source

This article explains the basic treatment for physical and emotional violence, guided by schools. It states that schools must give some knowledge to the students about these basic issues since they are very common to teenagers. Next, teachers and counselors should provide helpful ways and ideas to the students of this event. Furthermore, schools give education and lessons to guide their students when encountering violence, and situations when they are feeling down. It points at some useful ideas to open them up such as to “express…connect…move…shift”. All of these strategies might help them to feel better and to maintain “seasoned emotional stability that can equalize the urge to…anxieties or lash out in rage”.  Even though these are very common techniques, but they are very helpful to maintain their emotional equilibrium, so they could solve their difficulties adequately.


Magazine Article

This article describes the coming and the starting position of abuse and violence, and states that they mainly come from the discipline of their parents, ”We believe family violence is a learned behavior,”. Next, it also argues that schools started the study to educate students about physical abuse and the ways to prevent it. Many people, especially kids and teenagers have misunderstandings of this meaning, and think that violence is not considered if it does not have “broken arms and black-and blues”. However, this is not the case because it consists of many kinds of mistreatment, which some of them can be even considered as ones such as “name-calling, excessive yelling or making derogatory remarks”.


Newspaper Article

It talks about emotional and physical abuse in a teenage relationship. The victim (girl) describes her conditions when she was in a relationship with a guy, where he shows violence and control over his partner. The cause started after they were after a long relationship, “The partner would control aspects of her life… over time, her partner started physically hurting her”. Furthermore, this article also talks about people/ victims who have suffered abuse would not share with their parents or with other ones because it is usually told by the accuser to keep quiet of what he/ she has done.

Scholarly Source

It summarizes the causes and some of the cures for the victims who have experienced by any type of abuse, such as emotionally, physically, or even sexually, etc. It shows that all of these types of abuses mostly come from close people, and they could be from family members, friends, partners, or anyone they trusted with. Next, all of these causes influence individuals with the ability to trust, love, be confident, and a huge impact on their interacting process with other people. However, this article also points to some of the treatments to the victims, and they could be someone who is counselors, psychotherapists, and people who pay close attention to them to help them to open their minds and release themselves. After all, all of these procedures might take a long time to be cured, depending on each individual and victim.


Topic Reflection : Hong Kong Protests

Posted by Marcela V. on

An issue that interest me are the protests that are occurring in Hong Kong. As mentioned before, in my rhetorical analysis, these protests started in response to an extradition bill that would allow extraditions from Hong Kong to mainland China. However, these protests have a deeper meaning. They are not just protesting against a bill. What they are actually fighting for is to keep their democracy and self-autonomy intact. They are fighting to preserve their rights from being taken away before their due time. Hong Kong use to be a British colony for 99 years. In 1997, Britain gave Hong Kong back to China under a special agreement called “one country, two systems”. This agreement made Hong Kong a part of China, but it had its conditions. It stipulated that Hong Kong was to remain as a semi-autonomous region with democratic freedoms such as the right to vote, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and the right to assembly. Unfortunately, this agreement doesn’t last forever. It’s said to expire in 2047. Hong Kong is suppose to fully become a part of China, where it operates as an authoritarian government that doesn’t allow the same freedoms as present day Hong Kong. This topic interests me because these Hong Kong protests aren’t a local struggle. They are just a recent battle from a long lineage of fights for democracy around the world. It’s what America has also fought for. It’s what America stands for – liberty, freedom and hope. I can’t imagine what it’s like having an expiration date on your human rights. I wish to learn more about past Hong Kong protests that have occurred over this issue. How can these current protests make a meaningful difference? Can they bring about the change they so desperately want?


Essay-1 Source List

Posted by Aditya Sankar Das on


In conclusion,  developing countries like Brazil are trying to enhance the compatibility between justice and government by paying attention to corruption. Although this article provides to the debate on bureaucratic corruption by exploring constraints on peer monitoring and their possible impact on the issuing of official penalties, it concludes by suggesting further research with more robust models and empirical evidence to ensure more credible and consistent anti-corruption monitoring and enforcement. According to what has already been observed in the public service in Latin America expected to find fragile and incomplete institutionalization of the recent reforms to the Brazilian disciplinary system, particularly those made since the Office of the Comptroller General was created in the early 2000s to coordinate anti-corruption efforts in the federal executive


Newspaper article:-

Corruption in rich societies discharged in the past; corruption in poor societies was brushed over. Go back one generation and corruption attracted little global attention. Now, developing country’s presidents and are taking proper steps against corruption, and change in public attention has been generated by new knowledge, investigative journalists, and expert NGOs. A significant consequence of this work is the breaking of restrictions on discussing corruption in poor societies, where it has never before been widely seen as embarrassing and over-focused. In the rich societies, the OECD has orchestrated new anti-corruption legislation, for example, making the bribery of the officials of foreign governments a criminal offense. The World Bank has devoted huge efforts to addressing corruption; as a result, many countries now have Anti-Corruption Units and new laws. International transparency in banking and the true ownership of companies make it harder for the profits of corruption to be hidden.

Magazine Article:-

On a more personal level, how can public service be promoted as an ideal for young people when this sewer corrupts our Republic? At this point in early twenty-first-century America, the greatest service our nation’s young people could provide is to lead an army of outraged. Young Americans armed with brooms on a crusade to sweep out the rascals, rid our capital of the money changers, rent-seekers, power brokers and send them back home to make an honest living, that is, if they still remember how to do so. And it includes favorite pork-barrel projects of every member of both houses of Congress of both political parties, and every one of those most loudly condemning; wasteful government spending. Those projects are produced by the lobbying interests that raise money for those members of Congress in direct proportion to their effectiveness at bringing government-financed projects to their states and districts.


Social media post:-

Greece is not alone in trying to corruption,  the world, we are failing. In contrast, corruption is the misuse of private or public power and authority for personal gain. Corruption has disrupted Greece economy, including health, education, which are our basic rights. It led to massive unemployment, cuts in public services, decrease capital left, no foreign investment came in, and as a result, poverty and inequality grew.  To detoxified Greece, we need to rethink inside and outside of Greece. If we think about inside we can’t fight with corruption when salaries are below real living standards, and people are looking to earn money in bad intentions. To fight against corruption, we need to provide more opportunities so that our economy can rise, and we all need together to come up with priorities and solutions. Also, we need solidarity, sustainable reforms, trust in government and business, economic growth, and good governance. 


Topic Reflection: Abuse of Immigrant Detention Centers

Posted by Miranda McCants on

A social issue that interests me is the abuse of immigrant detention. The use of detention centers is a strategy the government uses to enforce immigrants that travel to the United States, even those who seek asylum. Government detention centers has not only locked up innocent immigrants, but has treated them with such inhuman and cruel. This topic mostly caught my attention due to the majority of my family being immigrants and the obstacles they had to endure. Thousands of immigrants are being locked up in cages with lack of medical attention, nutrition, and explanation. Children are forced to take care of themselves with lack of food and some stripped away from their families. If the roles were switched I wouldn’t know what to do without my family by my side. Enforcement operations aren’t taking the lives of immigrant people serious, treated as if they weren’t humans. The social issue of what immigrant people have to endure when in these detention centers truly breaks my heart, and needs more accurate attention. The media is broadcasting a series of propaganda when not speaking on how ICE is treating these immigrant families. I would like to know if there is any open investigations on ICE and what are the governments plan to end the horrific brutality on immigrants. I would also like to know why has the media covered up ICE and the disturbing detention centers. Most importantly I would like to understand why the government has turned a blind eye on immigrant people.

Topic Reflection: Gender Inequality

Posted by Faith Morales on

As a woman who experiences the effects of gender inequality daily, my question has always been, “why does this happen?” or “why doesn’t anybody speak up about it?”. Walking home from school was always the most difficult thing for me because I had to cross streets just so I wouldn’t be catcalled. I was always told to cover-up because of men and because “you don’t want them thinking a certain way”. As I grew up and became more educated on the topic of feminism and gender inequality, I finally realized why I and many other women were treated the way we are. Gender inequality has existed since the beginning of time. With the implication of gender roles to the lack of resources or the lack of opportunities solely because of your gender. It has certainly been a long and exhausting battle for women all over the world. This topic is intriguing to me because of the personal impact it has on my own life. While writing, I expect to be more informed about the effects of gender inequality, not only from my own experiences but from the experiences of women around the world. I plan to read about women of all different age groups, religious backgrounds, and ethnic backgrounds because I am aware that many other social issues have a strong enough impact to affect the way we experience gender inequality. In the end, I hope to be able to use this knowledge to benefit people around me and bring light to these effects to further spark conversation about this important issue.

Ayesha Abdul-Fattaah’s Topic Reflection: Homelessness

Posted by Ayesha Abdul-Fattaah on

One social issue that interests me is homelessness. This issue interests me because I have seen homeless people all around the world, from California to China, Philadelphia to the Philippines, New Jersey to Nicaragua, and so on. I feel like we, as a society, have grown so comfortable with this issue, it has become an acceptable injustice. Growing up in New York City, I have been exposed to homeless people for as long as I can remember. My attitude towards homeless people has changed throughout the course of my life. When I was younger, I was more influenced by those who raised me, like my mother, grandma, and father. My grandma told me to not give money to homeless people who beg because they will just spend it on drugs. My mom never said this, but I also never really saw her give money to those who begged. My father was the only adult I saw who would interact with and help homeless people. I later became aware that my father, and even my mother, was homeless at some points in his life, and have realized that some friends of mine have been homeless before too. The issue of homelessness had felt so far away when I was a kid, as if only a stranger, someone with no connection to me, could be homeless. As I started middle school and began to travel by myself, I was always inclined to give to those who beg. Even if I myself needed the money or the food or the water or the sanitary napkins, I still was aware that their need was more dire. Today, I am still like this. By writing and researching about this topic, I hope to learn about the reasons people become homeless, the demographics of those who are homeless here in the United States, how does the government play a role in keeping homelessness alive and well and vice versa, what can be done to help homeless people in my communities, the history of homelessness in America, how racism, capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy have an effect on homelessness, and other attitudes people have towards this issue that I may not know about.

Essay #1 Topic Reflection: Abortion

Posted by Alice Liu on

Abortion is currently one of the most controversial topics in the United States. People are divided between pro-choice and pro-life, with no in-between. Between the two groups, there is the debate as to whether or not abortion should be legal or illegal, considering how there is the argument of whether or not the fetus is considered a living being, and whether or not it is morally and religiously right, and if a woman has the right to choose exceeds the rights of the fetus. People who are pro-life believe that the fetus killed in question, is a living being, therefore they have the right to live and when one decides to abort, they are essentially murdering another living person. People who are pro-choice believe that they have the right to decide how to live their life and some of them believe that the fetus is not a living person.

This social issue is a topic of interest for me because it is a dilemma where everybody–regardless of gender, race, and religion, can participate in for a discussion and choose their stance on this topic. Furthermore, and it does make me question myself on what side I choose and if there is a possibility of a middle ground between the two sides, and if that middle ground would be if someone was raped or if the fetus is a product of incest. How would that affect people’s opinions about abortion? I hope to learn more about both sides and I hope to see if science would be the one to end this argument. The major argument for the pro-life side is that a fetus is a living person. But, what is considered a living person? Based on science, a living person is one who not only breathes and is conscious and aware of their surrounding but also has the ability to think. Is a fetus able to do that? There is still no answer to this, but when one looks at the sonogram of a fetus at around the age where abortion can be conducted, the fetus looks a lot like an infant. Only time and research will tell whether abortion is right or not and whether it should be legal or not.

Topic Reflection- Essay #1

Posted by Fahmida Akter on

A social issue that interests me is the discrimination against religion. It is not an issue that everyone talks about, but it definitely is one of the major issues throughout our country and many others. People makes jokes about Muslims in the US almost every day. Most of them throughs their disrespectful comments about someone’s belief at them with something like “It is just a joke”. Even though freedom of religion is part of our 1st amendment a large amount of people faces discrimination in a daily basis. By making little comments, people create even larger issue then they intent to. There have been many situations where people were rejected from jobs, places, groups because of an item of clothing that is a part of their faith. Personally, I was asked to not wear hijab at my workplace because it is against the company’s rules. I demanded to keep it, because of the shortage of workers they were imposed to keep me. However, I find it really disrespectful to have to demand a right that is given to me by our amendment. Today’s date is a tragedy for the American history, which killed thousands of people, it also left many more under the title of “Terrorist”. I have been asked if I am hiding a bomb under my hijab many times with the phrase “it Is just a joke”. However, America is not the only country that is not taking any step against actions like these. Cristian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu and many more are facing this problem all around the world. There is a genocide happening in China where the government put over millions of Uyghurs, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and many more ethnic Turkic Muslims in Concentration camps. It is destroying lives and families. This camp was created months ago to torture Muslims to neglect their religion. People of different religions are facing issues regarding their belief and people with the most power are not doing anything to change it. We live in a modern world where we have many people who has influenced others’ lives in many ways. I want to know if those influential people are taking any action. I also want to know what we can do so people can stop discriminating each other based on their religion.


Topic reflection

Posted by Justine M. Tourdot (She/her) on

A social issue that interests me is abortion. The government should never be able to dictate what you can or cannot do with your personal life, especially when it doesn’t affect other people. I’m pro-choice. This issue interests me because I’ve leaned pro-life. This is because all I was told was that a baby was being killed. I feel religion plays a large part in this argument which is ridiculous because of the separation of church and state. I understand that pro-choice allows for a decision to be made. I feel that my knowledge from both sides helps me in making a more informed decision. I believe that there is a spectrum people fall on for this issue. Some people want abortion with certain restrictions while others want it to be illegal with certain exceptions. There is a bit of an overlap in these sides. On the other hand, there are people on the extreme ends. There are pro-lifers who have harassed people going into clinics. I’ve never understood this hate.

 I have learned that when abortion is illegal and is still performed it doesn’t end very well. Sometimes there is little to no access to the proper equipment to keep the woman safe. Abortion; the word has baggage within itself. It’s stigmatized. I want to know more about the specific laws and regulations regarding abortion. I want to understand the history of abortion because I haven’t tackled it before from that angle. Usually, I argue about moral issues. I also want to learn more substantive arguments from the pro-choice side. 

Essay #1 Topic Reflection

Posted by Chao Hong on

A social topic that interests me is racism. A couple of months ago began a huge protest regarding racism against African Americans called Black Lives Matter. The reason why this topic interests me is because of how racism is universal, it is something everyone can experience, which is not only limited to Caucasians and African Americans but every single race on the planet. Besides, racism isn’t a new concept, despite the recent outburst of racism in these past few months, racism has been a problem not only in the United States but in other countries for a long period of time. Also, racism is the cause of many issues that are occurring in modern history, such as, racial profiling, ethnic cleansings, and slavery. As a minority in America, I have gone through my own shares of racism from people of other races and not only Caucasians, I wish to understand what causes these negative perceptions each race has on other races. I want to learn what causes racism, I myself find it ridiculous to hold prejudice against a particular race based on their physical traits. Also, I want to understand if there’s a correlation between the population of certain races and the direction racism is projected towards. For example, in a country heavily populated by a specific race would the minorities of that country face racism from the more populated race? Finally, I also want to know is how humans can stop discriminating against each other solely based on racial differences, and how as the human race as a whole can move forward from this continuing problem.

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